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Messages - Nick_A

Pages: [1]
Mitel Software Applications / Re: What is a Tug Core File
« on: March 15, 2016, 03:00:42 PM »
Thank you for your speedy response.  I am doing so now.

Mitel Software Applications / What is a Tug Core File
« on: March 15, 2016, 12:35:49 PM »
Hello All,
     I periodically receive an email from MiCollab stating that:
Subject:  tug core file found
Body:  The size of the description being greater than 64K, the content has been moved to attachment FULL_DESCRIPTION.html

I'm not sure if there is anything I need to be worried about or if there is any action needing to be taken. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mitel Software Applications / Re: Softphones not being seen on MBG
« on: February 03, 2016, 09:00:55 PM »

Mitel Software Applications / Softphones not being seen on MBG
« on: February 03, 2016, 07:34:34 PM »
I am trying to get my MiCollab softphones to point to the MBG through the desktop client by doing the following:
From the MiCollab client > Configuration > Softphone Settings > Use Teleworker for softphone > then I put the IP address of our MBG.  This works for our ACD agents but not for "Generic SIP" or "UC Endpoint".

After I make the change - they never show up under the MBG > Devices.

Any idea as to why?

Thank you in advance.

Thank you all for the responses.  I found how to do it from the phone however I was trying to do it from the MCD.  Another words, I'm wanting to do it for the user.  I am not at the location of the phones I'm trying to do this for.  I haven't been able to figure that part out, it may not be possible in this phone system.  We came from a 15 year old Toshiba PBX that we could easily do it on. 

Thank you all again.
- Nick

Thank you Ace.
I did what you said and it worked. 
However, I was trying to do this from the MCD side a the user can simply press a button on the phone and all calls will be forwarded to there cell phone.  Is there a way to do this from the MCD?

Hello All,
This is my first post here, we recently went live with a MiTel phone system.  I have a pretty basic question.

My Environment:  3300 MXe Controller

I am trying to program a softkey on a DN to Call Forward Always to a cell phone
Here is what I have selected:
Line Type:  Call Fwd Always
Button Dir. Number:  92225555555 (9 being the number to dial to call out + area code + cell number)
Ring Type:  Ring
MiXML Application Feature: Not Assigned (Only option)
Phone Application Feature:  Call Forwarding

When I try and save I receive the following error message:
"Key 4: The Phone App Line Type must be selected when a Phone Application Feature is selected."

If I leave the Phone Application Feature field blank then I receive the following error message:
"Key 4: Ring type cannot be valued."

Thank you in advance for any help you all can provide.

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