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Messages - Eclypz

Pages: [1]
Thank you so much, 619Tech! This was so frustrating and your solution put my sorting back to default!

Now I just need to watch where I click so it doesn't happen again!   ;D

Thanks to everyone for their assistance in this! This is a great FYI for those that have older versions that run into this issue!

I have also had the other person here that has Session Manager export his settings to a file and I imported them to mine and it's still showing the sort put in place by me....

I've uninstalled and re-installed, settings are still there.

Uninstalled, ran CCleaner, re-installed, settings are still there.

Where are the settings saved? I need to find them and delete them unless it's server side...right clicking still doesn't do anything even after a re-install.

Thanks for all of the help thus far!

It brings that up when I'm at the main STAR group but when I dig deeper in the timer that I have set it does not give that option to me. It is almost as if that is not an option when you drill down that far. Again, it works on the main STAR columns but after going into a Sunday-Saturday, Specific Date(s), Specific Time(s) screen it doesn't provide any feedback when right clicking. :(

As I was writing this response our vendor came back in email with the knowledge base says it is not fixable...

Hmm. I've tried that before asking on here and I just tried that again and right-clicked everywhere thinking that maybe I was clicking in the wrong areas but I still get nothing.


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Set Sorting Order Back to Default?
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:09:41 PM »

So I accidentally clicked a column in one of the screens in Session Manager and now all of those specific screens are sorting by that column. I'm not seeing any option to go back to the default sorting and it is making things more difficult because the order of things isn't optimal.

Anyone know how to clear the sorting or go back to default sorting?


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Question...
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:26:29 AM »
Great! This should do the trick!

Question: In ACD configuration, will a user show up as available and be tried if they are on another hunt group call? If so, is there a way to combat this?

These users will be in other hunt groups and if they will be attempted in this new hunt group while on other hunt group calls then it would take several minutes to get through everyone. I will be testing this but if someone had a quick answer for me on this that'd be great!

Thanks for all of the help, everyone!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Question...
« on: April 23, 2015, 10:30:10 AM »

Would there be any way to:

Person A
Person B
Department A (Person whom has had the least amount of calls)
Department B (Person whom has had the least amount of calls)

It'd be nice to be able to prioritize Person A and Person B and then cycle through the first and second departments so that the top of the list isn't always fielding the calls. I'm pretty sure that's what they will want.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Question...
« on: April 20, 2015, 09:20:28 AM »
I'll need a different solution.

Is there a way to make it "smart" in the fact that it basically rings whomever is available and prioritize it by, Person A then Person B then Department A (which will also include Person A & B) and then Department B and it ring Person A unless they are DND or on another call? Even if it's not part of that Hunt Group?

We don't want someone calling in to have to hold forever for the phone system to get through all of the people to check if each one is available by ringing them. It needs to be fairly quick and ring ONE person.

If this is too complicated or won't work I can suggest an alternative to the groups that want this. I just need a solution or two that would accomplish this and if we can't add two people and then two groups and have them in order then maybe we'll have to do some sort of list. If that is the case how can I create a list of people that is prioritized that only rings the first person available and not multiple people?

In either solution we need only the first available person to get the call and not have it ring multiple phones.

Thanks for the help thus far! I really appreciate it!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Hunt Group Question...
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:32:59 PM »
I just tested this but it rings more than one person and we want it to just ring one person or move on if they're not available.

But also not take 5 minutes to get to the bottom of the list if others aren't there/available.

Department A will close before Department B so ideally this would go to Department B immediately following the closing of Department A.

In this configuration would it ring more than one extension at a time? Is it possible for the system to figure out who is available and ring that person and if extensions are not signed in to the system or are DND it moves on to the next without trying?

Thanks for the help!!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Hunt Group Question...
« on: April 17, 2015, 04:00:29 PM »
Okay, so here is what I need to figure out...(if at all possible!)

There are four parts to this:
Person A
Person B (backup to Person A)
Department A (Person A & B's department)
Department B (department that is a backup to Department A)

Hunt groups currently exist for Departments A & B.

I need to be able to do the following when someone connects to the hunt group:

Check if Person A is there, yes? Call! No? Move on to Person B!
Person B available, yes? Call! No? Move on to Department A. (Person A & B's department)
Search Department A for available users, none available? Go to Department B!

I've tried creating a hunt group and for some reason it skips to Department A and sometimes it says that the Hunt Group is busy when there are people available...not sure what I'm doing wrong as I'm new to the system but trying to get caught up and learn so I can get this accomplished.

If I wasn't clear enough on anything just ask! I really hope there are people that are more knowledgeable than I on this system that can lend their expertise!


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