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Messages - 129qwerty

Pages: [1]
Confirmed with Mitel this is not supported in Xenapp Citrix environment. Apparently due Phase 2 of Mivoice for Lync app.

Hi Guys,
When 1 x user is already Logged into Mivoice for Lync and another tries to Login to their own Mivoice for Lync client. They recieve the below error.

"Sync Engine has stopped working; Close the Program"

The Mivoice Clip-on is not available after this error appears, so I cannot produce a problem report from the affected client.

The original Logged in user is still functioning fine.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by?

"Mivoice operates but for only 1 x user at a time. Could this be a misconfiguration on the customers network?"

Not sure if you mean you an only get one UCA client to function if you are rung Citrix.

Yes, correct. Only 1 x Mivoice UCA client would function on the Citrix thin clients at any one time. I had 4 x Mivoice UCA Client's configured. If 1 x Client logged out any of the others could Login ok but only 1 at a time.

Hi Guys,

Do any of you know if Mivoice for Lync will work in a Citrix environment? I cannot see on MOL any suggestion it does not work.

UCA Basic works on Citrix with the standard .msi loaded...

Mivoice operates but for only 1 x user at a time. Could this be a mis-configuration on the customers network?


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