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Messages - jonesb930

Pages: [1]
SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:27:27 AM »

  Thanks for that! I have been able to get the phone working, however, now that I changed the language to Spanish I cannot switch it back to en_US without the .bin language file. So my phone displays everything in spanish now LOL. Hey it works at least! I will be hunting for that file though..

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:15:14 PM »

Do you know of a document that explains all of the variables in the MN_<MACADDRESS>.cfg file for the phone? This is the file the phone pulls from the tftp server.

SIP On Mitel / Re: 5330 Handsets and SIP configuration
« on: May 01, 2013, 08:09:07 PM »
I am trying to configure a Mitel 5304 handset for use with FreeSwitch (running on a Raspberry Pi). I am a total newbe with SIP but have been picking it up quickly. I had the same issue with the wed configuration page on my handset. After following the above information I downloaded I extracted the file and put the Spanish .bin file on my tftp server. Using the Chrome web browser i opened the webpage and had Chrome translate it to english, problem solved. I was able to download the .cfg file and will format it to my system and place it on my tftp for testing.

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