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Messages - MSEC

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Just spoke with our contacts from Mitel. Apprently they are aware of the issue, the lastest patch they sent out does not fix it, and the quick fix is disabling the notifications. Hopefully they are working on this.

The problem they say is that the request times out. Perhaps their coders can extend the time out length.

Has anyone downloaded the UCA Mobile app for iPhone 5?

A few people in my company have been having some issues with constant disconnects showing up on our phones. The weird thing is that it isn't really disconnected, it just says it is. We are able to use every function while it prompts this message. It's not a major concern on the IT side but the last thing we want is to have a VP/CEO be annoyed.

Anyone have any thoughts?

Mitel Software Applications / Re: UCA Presence Missing
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:06:30 AM »
Have you set the users as favorites? When you add them to your favorites list it allows you to see their status. Just right click the user > Add to Favorites.

Restart fixed the issue.

Mitel Software Applications / UCA Voicemail not showing up for hours
« on: January 30, 2013, 06:01:40 PM »

I am having problems trying to figure out why someone in my company is not having their VM's generate as mine and the rest of us do. After leaving a voicemail Outlook will generate an email like it should, but UCA will not show a VM in the voicemail area. After an hour or so the VM will show up in UCA.

All of the settings are configured the same and no one is having this issue. I have asked the user to restart when leaving work today. They will test it in the AM tomorrow and let me know what happens.

I am hoping this is just a hiccup and the restart will cure it but, if it does not, does anyone have any advice? Anyone ever experience anything like this? Thanks!!

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