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Mitel Forums => Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 => Topic started by: VinceWhirlwind on September 27, 2016, 12:51:41 AM

Title: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: VinceWhirlwind on September 27, 2016, 12:51:41 AM
I'm sure somebody once described to me the general procedure for doing this, but I never got to implement it and I've forgotten.
The scenario is I have 1 controller, and the extensions programmed on it are in various offices, some of them in different states.
So the people in one state are going to dial "0" to get an outside line, and if they are dialling a local number, they will just dial 8 digits.
People in a different state will do the same. There is no way to use ARS digits dialled to tell the difference, because you can't tell without the area code where the number is meant to be.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: ralph on September 27, 2016, 08:02:41 AM
Hopefully I understand what you mean.
You'd like people to be able to dial numbers local to them by dialing 8 digits without the 0.
If a LD number you'd like them to dial the 9.
Is that correct?

I may not have had enough coffee yet but I don't think that's an option.

Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: VinceWhirlwind on September 27, 2016, 08:54:15 PM
Not quite, let me explain it better:
All users dial 0 for an outside line.
Office A is in NSW. The area code for NSW is 02.
Office B is in QLD. The area code for QLD is 07.
When a user in NSW wants to dial a QLD external number, they know very well they have to dial 0 07 +8 digits.
When a user in QLD wants to dial a NSW external number, they know very well they have to dial 0 02 +8 digits.
When a user in NSW wants to dial a NSW external number, they dial 0 +8 digits.
When a user in QLD wants to dial a QLD external number, they dial 0 +8 digits
(If I have a controller in each office, it's easy - I use ARS digits on each controller to send 0 +8 digits out the local PSTN.)
But if my controller is in the cloud, how do I know that
0 +8 digits from a NSW user means 0 02 +8 digits to the PSTN
0 +8 digits from a QLD user means 0 07 +8 digits to the PSTN
Somebody told me how to do this but I completely forgot.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: sarond on September 28, 2016, 05:58:02 AM
It would be a bit complicated but you should be able to achieve it using ARS, Route Lists, Digit Mod and COR.

I started trying to draft it last night for you but it did get a bit involved and I didn't get my head around it completely.

Essentially give a user a particular COR for each state (maybe to ease it use the area code)

Use Route lists to restrict a certain COR to a particular route with the corresponding digit mod needed.

Anything with 0 0X + 8 digits can be routed with no digit inserting as it already has full 10 digit dialling.
Anything with 0 N + 7 will be 8 digit dialling for that state so insert the area code.

e.g. for QLD (you replicate this for each area code i.e. 2,3,8)
User in QLD has COR=7
Route 7 has COR to restrict all but 7 and has a digit mod to insert 07
Route list 1 has Routes 2,3,7,8 in it. (each programmed similar to above)
All ARS digits dialled that are 0 N + 7 with terminate to Route List 1.
All ARS digits dialled with 0 0N + 8 can have normal Route.

Now when user from QLD dials 8 digits it should go through the route list and be restricted from all routes except route 7 which will then insert 07 via digit mod.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: ralph on September 28, 2016, 08:15:22 AM
sarond has it.
It would be some complex programming but that's how you'd do it.

If you'd want to try and tackle this, then I suggest writing everything out on paper first including flow charts.
Then test with your phone by changing its COR.

Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: acejavelin on September 28, 2016, 05:39:20 PM
I remember years ago in SX-200 and SX2000/3300 technical training, this was like a 2 day exercise (back when it was a 2 week class)... not for the light-hearted even if you have a decent grasp on ARS.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: VinceWhirlwind on September 28, 2016, 08:33:49 PM
Thanks, I think I get it:
Each office gets its own CoR.
I have a Route List, and each Route in that list matches one CoR, and has a unique Digit Mod to insert the correct area code for the users in that CoR.
Actually, I have a live system already I could potentially test this on: In a nation-wide cluster of 3300s, each user is resilient to a controller in a different office. Some of these resiliencies are to offices that are in a different area code. When a controller fails, those users have to dial a full 10-digit number to get local external numbers.
I'll have to think about exactly, but I could pretty much implement Sarond's solution so users experiencing resiliency have a special CoR/route combination.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: ralph on September 29, 2016, 07:39:22 AM
I woke up thinking about this this morning.
Using COR you're limited to what you can do with a route list.
So on one PBX you could have 5 separate offices before you ran out of room.
The solution I came up with was to setup a loopback trunk and then give a unique default account code to all the phones in the related office.
Then route their calls using AAN through the loopback trunk.  On the incoming side of the loopback you use the account code as the steering code for the ARS route.  Now your only limit is Total Routes and digit blocks.  I doubt you would exhaust that.
That actually sounds like a fun project to me.

Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: sarond on September 29, 2016, 09:31:09 AM

Now you have me thinking.
I wonder if it could be used without a loopback?

Use <D> in the digit mod just to insert area code.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: ralph on September 29, 2016, 09:55:59 AM

Now you have me thinking.
I wonder if it could be used without a loopback?

Use <D> in the digit mod just to insert area code.

I see...
That might work.
For users  local to the PBX you wouldn't have to assign them an account code.


Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: VinceWhirlwind on September 29, 2016, 08:40:55 PM
Using COR you're limited to what you can do with a route list.
So on one PBX you could have 5 separate offices before you ran out of room.
For Australia, that works, because we only have 4 area codes - East - 02, SE - 03, NE - 07, W - 08
The solution I came up with was to setup a loopback trunk and then give a unique default account code to all the phones in the related office.
Then route their calls using AAN through the loopback trunk.  On the incoming side of the loopback you use the account code as the steering code for the ARS route.  Now your only limit is Total Routes and digit blocks.  I doubt you would exhaust that.
I setup Loopback trunks recently so that dialling an internal number in full (eg, click to dial) doesn't go to the external trunk. The only minor drawback is it displays "Loopback" and users have already commented on this.
 Never used Account Codes. Sounds like an interesting training exercise for me.
Title: Re: Controller w. users in different area codes - how to configure "local" dialling?
Post by: johnp on September 30, 2016, 07:01:28 PM
System Applications/General Business Solutions/Routing Emergency Calls to Multiple Gateways section in SAThelp describes a method that could be used as a template for doing something where there are more than 6.

I haven't tried it, but do have a customer with sites in the States as well as abroad in Europe. The key thing would be to define digits dialed so that you minimize unknown timeout. This may require the correct amount of X's as follow digits. Being in the States, I recently change my default dialing setup to include the X's on my default setup so I could restrict 10 digit versus 7 digit dialing. One of my levels are the outlying islands and one of there local exchanges conflicted with an island area code.

New setup can account for this now and restrict as needed. They may call local, but not to Guam :-)