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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: MarkE on June 29, 2016, 10:00:34 AM

Title: Calls Overflowed Out (Reporter Pro)
Post by: MarkE on June 29, 2016, 10:00:34 AM

I am new to Mitel and somewhat confused with regards to overflowed calls out.  :o

Looking at the call stats I have 'Calls In' = 196; 'Calls In Ans' = 178; 'Calls Lost' =14 & 'Calls Overflowed Out' = 4 (Total 196).

My questions is what/where are these 'overflowed' calls? - Currently the MI team are adding the overflowed calls to the answered figure thus inflating the percentage of calls answered. However when I have ran the "Calls List, Agent Specific Report" filtered by the same hunt group, I can see 199 calls in!, of which 178 are indeed answered. (21 show as not answered)

Would I be correct in thinking that the overflowed calls are included in the 'Calls In' figure (as they are represented due to not being answered the first time around)?

Thanks in advance, and apologies for the lengthy post!


Title: Re: Calls Overflowed Out (Reporter Pro)
Post by: MarkE on June 30, 2016, 08:09:25 AM
Anyone help???  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Calls Overflowed Out (Reporter Pro)
Post by: Tech Electronics on June 30, 2016, 09:05:19 AM

This is actually a CSM question and not a 5000/250 question.

To answer your question though I believe they are showing you that metric so that you can subtract it from the Calls Lost metric. As I have not seen how it is programmed my assumption is that there is a Recall setup in that hunt group to redirect the calls elsewhere after a period of time. So with the numbers you provided I would say that of the 14 lost calls that 4 were recalled out and 10 hung up before being answered.


Title: Re: Calls Overflowed Out (Reporter Pro)
Post by: MarkE on June 30, 2016, 09:37:21 AM
Much appreciated, I will check with our techie guys ref the recall and i will re-post the question in the CSM forum.

Thanks again,
