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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: Rando_Mitel_User on June 29, 2015, 04:00:13 PM

Title: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: Rando_Mitel_User on June 29, 2015, 04:00:13 PM
We recently converted from E&M to PRI. We have been using a Mitel 5000 HX controller the entire time. One of my users is experiencing an issue where she tries to dial an external number on her Mitel 5320 handset, but the phone just gives 11 beeps and does nothing. She can receive calls without a problem. Nobody else has reported the problem.

Possibly relevant info: our telecom provider missed a handful of DIDs during the internal porting process (they owned the DIDs from beginning to end). Those numbers could call out, but incoming calls were told the number was disconnected. The phone provider finally transitioned the orphans over the weekend, but now this problem has cropped up.

Obviously the only google results are PDFs of Mitel manuals... !
Title: Re: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: dwayneg on June 29, 2015, 05:45:17 PM
Make sure OUTGOING in his ASSOCIATED EXTENSIONS matches everyone else's.  Also that he's included for access to the new trunk group, either individually or the ALL PHONES list.
What does her display say, this will give you a clue.
Title: Re: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: Rando_Mitel_User on June 30, 2015, 09:33:48 AM
Hi DwayneG, thanks for replying.

I have verified that the outbound Associated Extension is correct, and that she's included in the new trunk group (their # was included in the phone company's Application Memo during transition), nothing has changed in our system that would have caused this.

The phone display shows the intended outbound number during the 11x beeps, and then goes back to idle.
Title: Re: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: Rando_Mitel_User on June 30, 2015, 11:15:28 AM
Closing thread -- our vendor determined that the phone has died and is replacing it.
Title: Re: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: Rando_Mitel_User on June 30, 2015, 02:49:25 PM
Woaaaah jumped the gun there. Turns out it was a corrupted database. I recreated the user and all is well.

Closing thread -- our vendor determined that the phone has died and is replacing it.
Title: Re: User cannot dial out on 5320... 11 beeps, nobody else has issue
Post by: Tech Electronics on June 30, 2015, 03:31:26 PM

My guess is that the CPN for that phone was the issue.
