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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: AlasdairL on February 24, 2015, 06:26:34 AM

Title: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: AlasdairL on February 24, 2015, 06:26:34 AM
Hoping someone might be able to assist with an issue I'm currently having on a Mitel 5000 system.

I've recently setup SIP trunks provided by VoiceFlex.
Now while I can make outbound calls, attempt at inbound just result in an engaged tone.

It's probably going to end up being something straight forward but it's driving me nuts trying to figure it out.

At the moment it is 2 trunks with one number which I have entered into call routing table along with the catch all.
Firewall is a Sonicwall NSA 2400 and at the moment I've setup inbound and outbound NAT rules for the Mitel when communicating with Voiceflex.

Any suggestions on what might be causing this would be appreciated.


Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: Dogbreath on February 24, 2015, 08:02:18 AM
Have you pointed the SIP at the relevant CRT in Trunk Group Configuration > Day/Night Ring In Type?

Configuration > NAT Settings: Needs to be Non-SIP-Aware NAT if you haven't got SIP transforms on on the Sonicwall.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: AlasdairL on February 24, 2015, 08:43:52 AM
SIP Trunk Group Configuration is set with the same CRT for Day and Night.
This is a fresh CRT that i don't use elsewhere and is set to route based on inbound number pattern with +44 prefix, with 0 prefix and without either as i wasn't 100% sure which one was required.

NAT is currently set to Non-SIP-Aware and SIP transforms are disabled on the Sonicwall.
Although I'm pretty sure I've tried all the different combination of NAT and SIP Transform settings.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: Dogbreath on February 24, 2015, 12:56:53 PM
Have you set the 'System NAT IP Address' in IP Settings? You may also have to set it in System > Devices and Feature Codes > IP Connections > P6000 Processor Module > NAT IP Address as well.

Other than that, at this point I would break out the packet capturing tools and you'll be able to see whether a) the invite is hitting the phone system b) what the phone system's response is.

If packet captures aren't your bag, in online monitor mode, System > Devs & Feats > SIP Peers > General Configuration, you can set SIP Message Output Format and SIP Log Level to Full + Debug and get all the SIP info there.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: AlasdairL on February 24, 2015, 04:00:37 PM
The System NAT address was set but i've now set the Processor Module address as well.

And thanks for pointing me in the direction of the logging options.
from looking at packet capture and the logs, the one thing i see a lot of is SIP/2.0 404 Not Found messages alongside <username>@<nat_Ip_address> to <Voiceflex IP address>.
This same is true if i enable SIP Transformations on the sonicwall.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: mitelengineeruk on February 25, 2015, 10:05:47 AM
Have you tried port forwarding UDP port 5060 to the Mitel and locking down to the Voiceflex source IP?  My guess is if you ran a SIP trace on the Mitel you will not see any packets coming in at all.  We get this a lot with Gamma SIP trunks and they normally end up setting up a port forward on 5060.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: AlasdairL on February 26, 2015, 09:10:47 AM
I've got a NAT policy ensuring that all outbound SIP 5060 traffic to the Voiceflex server is presented as a set IP address. This IP address is set as the NAT IP address on the Mitel.
There is a NAT policy ensuring that all inbound SIP 5060 traffic from the Voiceflex server is directed to the Mitel's internal address.

There is a firewall rule to allow SIP 5060 traffic from Voiceflex going to the Mitel.

So think that should cover the port forwarding aspect.
Packet filter suggests that there is traffic coming from Voiceflex to the Mitel on port 5060 in response to an outbound message. this traffic tends to be SIP/2.0 404 Not Found messages.
Just not getting any data relating to inbound calls.

From what I can see in the logs, it suggests that the system is not registering with Voiceflex.
but can't figure out why.
Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: Tech Electronics on March 03, 2015, 04:47:42 PM

Did you use the VoiceFlex.stg file when setting up your account or no?


Title: Re: Mitel 5000 Inbound SIP Issue
Post by: mitelengineeruk on March 03, 2015, 06:52:13 PM
Have you enabled SIP tracing on the system to see if anything is getting to the system at all?