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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: jjordon on June 13, 2014, 10:26:14 AM

Title: Customer needs a certificate for Afcom Call Counting Software
Post by: jjordon on June 13, 2014, 10:26:14 AM
Customer has a Mitel 5000

He is trying to run Afcom call counting software and it will not run without this certificate:

CA Certificate for System Manager

I have never heard of such a thing.  Is this a license we have to get from Mitel?
Title: Re: Customer needs a certificate for Afcom Call Counting Software
Post by: Tech Electronics on June 13, 2014, 02:34:03 PM

System Manager is a server-based application that centralizes management functions for the 5000 CP. Each node within a system must physically connect to the System Manager server to allow remote management. This System Manger Server is what generates the CA Certificate that gets loaded into the 5000 in order for it to allow the node to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for a secure connection.

So, why would a Call Accounting System need to connect to the System Manager; that is if you have one?

It seems to me that if you want to get the information from multiple nodes and the Call Accounting server can only look at one IP address then you would need a CT Gateway for it to look at and not the System Manager Server which is used for remote System Management.


Title: Re: Customer needs a certificate for Afcom Call Counting Software
Post by: jjordon on June 15, 2014, 11:20:00 AM
He got this on his own. We did not install it for him.

I am wondering if he got the wrong type of software..
Title: Re: Customer needs a certificate for Afcom Call Counting Software
Post by: Tech Electronics on June 16, 2014, 07:34:53 AM

I was not able to find any call accounting software called Afcom, but I did find a data center association with that name. Does this customer have a data center? More than likely this software is a recommendation from someone at that organization and it is not the actual name or manufacturer of the call accounting package. It seems you are going to need to get more information in order to get this resolved.
