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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: wilsonjc on February 18, 2013, 11:36:04 AM

Title: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: wilsonjc on February 18, 2013, 11:36:04 AM
Hi All.

I have an awkward one, the manual explains the hunt group version of this perfectly but i need this on a per user level. Let me explain.

I have a number 01642 xxxxxx it rings group 2000, which is an ACD Group, I have 4 agents in there, agent 1 and agent 2 are brill and want all the calls, if agent 1 and 2 are busy it needs to go to agent 3, if agent 3 is busy as well agent 4, seems logical enough,

however, I want the number of calls that agent 1 and 2 take to be relatively even (I know they won't be the same) I need an idividual priority. something like

Agent 1 Priority 60
Agent 2 Priority 60
Agent 3 Priority 30
Agent 4 Priority 0

And the calls to be evenly distributed to the agents of equal skill.

Does that make any sense?

I hope so, thanks in advance.

Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: NTEDave on February 18, 2013, 05:08:09 PM
What you want isn't really possible using only one group.

all i can think of is Calls ring to first ACD HG. That has only agent 1 and 2 in it with balanced call count as the distribution type. Recall destination of a second ACD HG with agents 3 and 4 with a linear distribution type. Maybe set the recall destination of the second group back to the first group.

This won't overflow calls for eg if agents 1 and 2 are busy calls will camp on their group until the recall timer expires, then the call will ring on agent 3 then 4.

If your area code is real you are about ten miles down the road from me :)

Thinking about it if you used a single group with agent 1 and 2 in an extension list so they both rang simultaneously, then agents three and four in individually that may work.

This wouldn't balance the call count though, whoever was quickest out of agents 1 and 2 would get the most calls.
Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: wilsonjc on February 19, 2013, 03:28:51 AM
Yup the Area code is real :)

I figured as much for the groups, oh well, will have to try mitels customer services manager beasty.


Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: NTEDave on February 19, 2013, 04:11:25 AM
Customer Services Manager won't route calls for you, it only reports on calls.
Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: wilsonjc on February 19, 2013, 06:41:20 AM
There is an Intelligent Router Module (note may be routing), according to mitel's sales guff it does skill based routing, (although some of mitel stuff is not uptodate) is this product defunct or not released anymore?

Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: NTEDave on February 19, 2013, 07:23:04 AM
You are correct, I thought Intelligent Router stayed as part of Mitel Applications Suite when CSM was split out.

I was wrong!

Intelligent Router is available as a licensable option to CSM.

It's going to be an expensive solution for just a 4 person hunt group!
Title: Re: ACD Agent Priority
Post by: wilsonjc on February 19, 2013, 08:26:21 AM
its not just 4 people. I have 38 agents with 50 different skill sets, just 4 was an easier example to explain and type, (you know it guys, we try to get out of as much work as possible :) )
