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Mitel Forums => Mitel Software Applications => Topic started by: JasonTL on April 18, 2023, 11:10:12 AM
We have a customer with a small call center. They have 15 users that has been using hot desking for around ayear. They recently increased their size but cannot log in over 15 users at a time. It is a first in/ first out kind of thing. all users can log in but only 15 at a time. I ordered 25 new hot desk licenses through Mitel and applied them, but still can only log in 15 phones at a time. The new licensing for a total of 40 external hot desk users. Not sure if external is correct but that is what Mitel ordered and said would work. Am I missing something in the MiCC or PBX?
If it's a 3300 MiVB you're using you may have to log in, go to Licenses > License and Option Selection > Change and click "Retrieve Licenses"
Are you using DLM? You have to allocate the new licenses from the DLM group to a specific MiVB before you can use them. If you go into License and Options Selection on the MiVB you're trying to add agents to, see if there's a non-zero number in the "Available for Allocation" column.
@zulualpha I have retrieved the licenses. It shows 7 locally comsumed and 33 locally allocated. But still will not allow but 15 users at a time to log in.
@lundah See above
I am not sure external hot desk user license is correct. Is there an internal hot desk user license or do all hot desk users use the external license?
Also when trying to login, the phone receives an error of "No Voice Agent License". Just trying to make sure I purchased the correct license for an internal hot desk user.
Also had reports of ACD agents from the same system not logging in. Have plenty of licensing for ACD users. It also is only allowing 15 users at a time, first in first out. Is it possible we have a software bug in the latest MiCC software?
Have you verified the licenses have been added to MiCC as well as the MiVB? Quickest way to check is to log in to CCMWeb on the MiCC server, and go to "Help" -> "About your Mitel applications", and verify the "Concurrent Voice Agents" value is correct. The MiVB and MiCC work together but are also still separate systems with their own licensing that's sold as a bundle, it's possible the new licensing was not applied correctly to both systems.
Check their ext's in Users and Devices on the Services Details tab that they have a COS that allows EHD - then that the "External Hotdesking Enabled" radio button is ticked to "Yes"
On the Service Profile tab I believe you'll also need to tick the radio button for "Hot Desking User" to yes. That's also where you'd check the box for "ACD Agent" although if that was working before and stopped its probably the concurrent voice issue lundah explained.
Thank you @zulualpha and @lundah
I believe we are on the right track with the MiCC active agent licensing. I have requested a quote for those licenses as well.
We have purchased the concurrent call agents and have assigned them in the license bank. I do not see an option to sync like you woul din the PBX. It has been a few years since working with a MiContact Center server and I am sure I am missing something obvious. Does it have a server-manager site to view/sync licensing?
Once the licenses have been added to the MiCC ARID in Mitel AMC, you need to run the MiCC Setup and update the license.
thank you very much