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Mitel Forums => MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 => Topic started by: dan231 on August 11, 2014, 02:14:12 PM

Title: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 11, 2014, 02:14:12 PM
I am working with our techs and we are running into a problem with having voice mail transfer between branches.
It's configured now to email users if they have msgs, via our public email URL.

If they set this to use anything else it fails.  The internal email servers name or IP.
What I don't understand, if it works now emailing users, what is missing that it can't email the other systems?

I can't get any specifics on exactly what is failing, other than "it's your mail server".

Do I have to set anything special in our Exchange server?
I'm at a total loss of how to proceed.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 07:26:41 AM

Could you provide us with a more detailed explanation of how you have it setup currently and what you want to do?


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 10:37:25 AM
The goal is to be able to transfer a voice mail from one mailbox in branch A to another mailbox in Branch B-D.
We had to purchase the VPIM card and licensing.

Originally, the techs setup the email to use a gmail account.  We are able to setup the email notification to users when they have a new voice mail.  The email gateway is now set to use our public email url and the new mitel email account.

They told me to create DNS entries for the 4 mitel servers all on 10.0.X.X ( this is not our internal schema)

I then gave them my external mail server info as well as internal mail server info and built a new email account just for the phone system.

The techs state:
that It only works when the mail server is set as our external  If it is anything else it does not work.

The e-mail between systems is extn@10.0.X.X or @site.domain.local and neither of which work since the mail server does not send to any internal addresses or internal domains.

This is all I have to go off of. 
Could there be a routing issue or something not configured right with our Exchange?

I cannot grasp how the system can email users but not itself?  It's hard to troubleshoot, when I simply just "dont' get it"
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 11:35:00 AM
More info...

Our external to/from email is scanned by a Barracuda spam/virus firewall.  This is stating that these messages are not allowed to relay.

Delivery Status:   Rejected
Delivery Detail:   550 relay not permitted

But its also showing possible bad To: address

From:   6308858418@server.domain.local  [mitel server as setup in DNS]
To:          1340@ [mitel remote server, but is missing the .domain.local.  Barracuda suggests this also might be a problem]

I have added the mitel server IPs to the barracuda relay as well as the Exchange hub transport relay with no difference.  I've since removed those relay entries.

Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 12:23:36 PM

Alright, let's look at a couple of things here and see what we can do to figure this out a little better so you understand what is going on.

Go to System > IP Settings > Look for Domain Name and if it doesn't have anything then just put in the doman that you need the phone system on. That should fix this error

To:          1340@ [mitel remote server, but is missing the .domain.local.  Barracuda suggests this also might be a problem]

So, just to explain something here the phone system can only point to one E-Mail Server to send mail which is where your issue comes in because you want both UM and VPMN, but all is not lost as they say if we can trick the system into doing what we want.

Are you using Enhanced Intergration for your UM? If not then what are you using for your UM, Forward and Copy?

Have they been able to make the VPMN work if they stop the UM from working? If so then we can create a solution by adding another server most likely depending on what level of integration you are looking for?

Are you using the BVM[UVM]; depending on the software version of the phone sytem, or are you using the EM or Nupoint?


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 12:27:55 PM
Domain name = my local domain, it is correct.

I was told we can ONLY use Forward and Copy.
Have they been able to make the VPMN work if they stop the UM from working? If so then we can create a solution by adding another server most likely depending on what level of integration you are looking for?

Are you using the BVM[UVM]; depending on the software version of the phone sytem, or are you using the EM or Nupoint?

You've totally lost me here.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 05:44:45 PM

Alright so the Domain Name = your local domain then that should be correct so next we need to look at the hostname. I may have these two backwards in my head as well so I looked it up in my notes on how to set this up and apparently I still do; can you tell we don't do this much. Anyway, here is what you need to make sure is happening.

To receive and send e-mail messages using VPIM, the Base Server Hostname or Processing Server Hostname must be identical to the DNS hostname programmed in the Domain Name field under System>IP Settings. If the hostname does not match the DNS server hostname or an alias is used for the address, the system cannot resolve the name and its destination, and the VPIM server may reject the message.

So, when I said that the Domain name fixes the To: portion I was wrong it is the Hostname that fixes that part; sorry. The From: portion is the Domain Name and that seems to be correct.

The other part you need to look at is under Voice Processor > Devices > Nodes under the System Number/Domain you should have the DNS records that they had you create in there, this should not be an IP address. I am going to assume that this is correct, but you never know sometimes technicians mess things up, especially when we believe we can answer questions off the top of our head and mix up Hostname and Domain; not that it has happened mind you.

I am going to assume that you are using the built-in voice processor and do not have an external voice mail server [EM or Nupoint]. If you find out that assumption is wrong then some of what I am telling you may be inaccurate.

Basically, we are going to try and fix your To: portion to see if that fixes the problem you are having since you know you are forward and copy then the rest should be pretty simple.


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 05:52:55 PM
thanks for helping   ;D

System: Domain name = domain name, Base Server Hostname = DNS name

Nodes:  The Description = DNS name, the System Number/Domain = IP address.  The tech said this doesn't matter.

Yes, we are using the built-in voice processor.  We have nu point but the techs never set that up.

I've read the system needs to be power cycled after this type of change, is that accurate?  I don't want to mess up anything further.  Should I have the tech change this to the DNS name then?
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 06:01:32 PM

Change the System Number/Domain, if the network type is set to VPIM and not TCP/IP, to the VPIM Home Domain of that node, for example on node 1 looking at node 2: node2.mydomain.local, and this field is required for the node to work properly.

After that do a Backup Database Save to the System and on to your PC then do a reboot to make sure that it takes. When doing the reboot, just to make sure, use the front panel of the system and use the Backup Database function there and then go further down and have the system reset.


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 06:05:12 PM
I'll have to do this to all locations.
I won't have physical access to most of them.

And I won't want to bring people down during work hours.  I'll have to do this late one night or early.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 06:09:57 PM

Just work with one site for now, your site, and see if it works before going all gung ho on it. At some point though you should at least set them up according to Mitel's standard so they have less to complain about before it gets their full attention. Remember you are using SMTP so it is a one-way street as far as emailing goes, and if you get it working on one site you will then know what you need to do with the others.


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 06:12:00 PM
I'm not sure how to test this with only one site - I was always able to forward messages with the same branch.  The VPIM was so I could transfer to the other branches.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 14, 2014, 06:19:18 PM

Hmm, maybe I am not saying this correctly, so I will try to rephrase my answer in hopes that it makes more sense.

The 5000 on your site should be able to send out SMTP messages to the other sites regardless of how the other sites are programmed as SMTP is a one-way street. IF this is still a concern you could just change two sites, yours and a remote one, if that makes more sense to you. Once you have made the change to your site you should be able to forward messages to the other sites if that is the problem with your configuration and setup. I have had some luck with not having to reboot the system, even though it says you need to, in some areas of programming; so you could try to forward a message after you make the change on the System Number/Domain.

If you don't want to have to go out to the site to do the physical reset you can do it through the DB programming tool, just make sure that you do the Backup Database Save and Database Save to your PC prior to doing a system reset.



P.S. Duh, forest for the trees moment there. You could just set your systems to do a reset at night when no one is around too.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 14, 2014, 06:25:38 PM
Awesome- that, I understand!

Thanks.  I'll try this tomorrow as I just left the office.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 15, 2014, 10:45:38 AM
I made the change to my local site [no reboot]

Fwd a msg and now it's blocked:

Action:   Blocked   
Subject:           Reason:   Invalid Domain

From:   1172@mitel-server-name.domain.local        Time:   2014-08-15 09:42:28   
To:   1312@remote-mitel-server-name

The domain.local is not being added.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 15, 2014, 10:51:10 AM

It is acting like the domain that the phone system is on doesn't exist in your network and your security is blocking it.


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 15, 2014, 10:52:59 AM
I added the .domain.local to the node System Number/Domain - is this not right, should I drop the domain.local part for this setting?
It shows the full address now, but still says blocked, invalid domain.

Based on your last reply, I'm going to contact Barracuda again to see if they can troubleshoot this error.
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 15, 2014, 11:26:53 AM

What happens if you try to ping or tracert the System Domain for the node you are looking at.


Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: dan231 on August 15, 2014, 12:07:50 PM
First I want to express my utmost thanks to you and your help  :)
Second, it looks to be fixed now!

Based on what you told me yesterday, I made the changes [still didn't reboot] and found that the Barracuda was now generating different errors, which were DNS related.  Barracuda was able to help me sort that out [minor Barracuda config changes], I am able to ping and NSLookup from the Barracuda.

Sent test fwds and they worked.

Now to change the rest of the mitel server nodes to full name, not IP and I should be golden!
Title: Re: VPIM setup questions
Post by: Tech Electronics on August 15, 2014, 12:29:10 PM

Alright, I am glad you are up and going! Just let your vendor know I will be sending them a bill in the near future. lol
