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Topics - dg

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Hi folks,
I'm a little confused on which COS I need to be looking at to change a call park timer. Let's say an outside caller comes in on a PRI to the receptionist at 250, then parks to 827. Which COS is the park timer in? Is it the COS of 250? 827?, the PRI? I'm pretty sure I tried both the PRI COS and the receptionist COS, neither seemed to be the one. 827 is actually a phantom extension, so I don't even know that it has a COS at all... The only place I can see 827 is in the directory.

Any suggestions are gladly accepted!
Thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Wired headsets for 53xx phones?
« on: December 17, 2018, 09:15:27 AM »
Does anyone have a decent guide for what brands of wired headsets are supported (or will work with) the 53xx series phones?
I don't really need any functions other than to hear and talk - doesn't need an answer button or any handset lifter contraption.

Thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / MOH - couple questions
« on: December 11, 2018, 01:12:56 PM »
Hi folks.
Couple questions regarding MOH on the 3300.
First of all, is there a way to _download_ an existing embedded music file? I don't see any way in the GUI, but can it be done via CLI/FTP (or the GUI some other way I can't find?) I'm thinking I want a local copy of this file for future reference, so I can delete it and upload another one. There's just not enough space on these 3300's.
And secondly,
We have multiple tenants, each of which use a different MOH source. A couple use the 3300 embedded source, and 3 use on-hold-plus players associated with a DN (extensions 881-883.) I've changed every tenant from embedded to one of the externals (882) and it's still sourcing from the embedded file. I figured I might have to wait until the file plays out, but I'm pretty sure it's been far longer than that now. Is there some way to force the change from an embedded source to external?
Thanks in advance!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Routing advice?
« on: October 08, 2018, 10:27:58 AM »
Good day, folks,
Sorry about the rather generic Subject...

Currently we have an extension 885 - that when called, rings our service department's ring group 857 (ring all) and if not answered, it goes to the NuPoint box.
My understanding of how this flows is that when 885 is dialed, there's a call reroute to always alternative to ring group 857, and ring group 857 overflows to the VM pilot 800.

We want to add a second layer to this. I want it to ring rg857 for say 3 rings, then ring the manager's extension 647 for two, and if neither answer, it can either go to VM 885 or a different/new VM box separate from the manager's personal box. I can't seem to figure out how to route this. I can overflow to his personal extension, 647, but that never routes to any VM box at all. Do we do something with first and second reroute alternatives rather than always alternatives?


Hi gang,
Is there a good iPhone softphone app other than the MiCollab app that works well in a MBG/teleworker scenario? I just want it to be able to make calls as if it were a local extension (whether on local wifi, remote wifi, or cellular data), and we don't need any other video/chat/directory functions.


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / What is Primary Phone Service ID?
« on: March 23, 2018, 09:20:49 AM »
Hi all,
I'm having a really obscure issue with one particular phone/extension that has one-way audio on inbound external calls, and no-way audio calling to another zone across the street, but otherwise works. I can't figure this one out. I've swapped phonesets, blown out the extension & rebuilt it, changed cables, ports, tested in my own office, just about everything. Surprisingly it even happens when I hot desk my own extension on it and test.

We're on a flat network with metro-e so there shouldn't be any routers or firewalls in the way.

I exported the user list to excel just to see what could be different about this one. Surprisingly, his user has no Primary Phone Service ID, where all the others do. What is that, and why would it be blank?


Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Unexpected Alarm Status - Clear Alarm
« on: February 07, 2018, 12:12:48 PM »
Hi folks,
I just noticed I have a "Major" alarm showing in the main heading from January 26, 2018. When I click that to see the detail, it says Backup Failure, but no other details.
I don't have any backups scheduled, nor did anyone manually attempt any backup. At one time early last year, I had started a backup schedule, and it did fail, but have subsequently deleted that task from the scheduler, and the scheduler shows no tasks.

First of all, any ideas why it would tell me that error in the first place? and second, how does one clear it?

Thanks in advance for suggestions,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Can't change secondary element?
« on: October 31, 2017, 10:23:29 AM »
Hi folks. There's probably something obvious I'm missing here. When I attempt to change the secondary element of a phone, I get "Current software version does not allow changing a secondary element. Secondary element can only be changed to 'Not Assigned'."

Why is that? And how can I correct that? Do I need to actually blow the phone out and rebuild it? (this would be a PITA for sure.)

Just a little background - we have a cluster of 5 controllers, but only two of these are actually connected to PRIs. The others basically just act as overpriced ATAs for paging and 911. Several of our phones have been originally configured to failover to one of these "non-useful" controllers, so I would like to change them so they actually fail over to a controller that they can use...


Mitel Software Applications / access files in NuPoint?
« on: September 22, 2017, 09:36:09 AM »
Hi. We have a MAS server that also has NuPoint in it.
I'm interested in gaining access to some or all the voice prompt, greeting, and/or message -files- contained within NuPoint. I tried SFTP to the MAS server but evidently it refuses to talk. I can SSH to MAS, but that just gets me into a giant menu of unhelpful stuff as opposed to a straight shell (despite that the security settings say "Allow administrative command line access over secure shell.")

How does one get to the audio files?

In my case, I'm interested in downloading, then editing, and re-uploading some voice greetings and so on, and perhaps archiving some individual message boxes.

Thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Some basic questions about licensing
« on: September 07, 2017, 10:58:20 AM »
Howdy, folks.
I'm curious about some basic licensing issues.
In the license and option selection, I see "IP Users 122 locally consumed, 122 locally allocated, and 3 available for allocation."
First of all, if I have 122 allocated and 122 consumed, where are the other 3 coming from?
and second, what constitutes an IP user exactly, and how does an IP user become "consumed?" How does one "un-consume" it?
I have a total of 162 extensions actually defined, some of which are active, and some not (e.g. created an extension for testing but subsequently moved the phone to another extension) Most are actual 5330e/5340e units, but a few are SPA122's and the like. Let's say I had an extension defined that was working, and the phone died and hasn't been used for a while. Is that still 'consumed?'
Also, what is a Multi-Device user, exactly?

Thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / non-secure ftp?
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:19:50 AM »
Howdy, all.
I was just looking into scheduling some backups to a remote server, and I realized our 3300 doesn't appear to support any secure data transfer (scp, sftp, etc.) I also just realized that the 3300 is running its own FTP server, unencrypted/not secure. Is there some other way to get data to/from the 3300 in a secure way? (and also disable the ftp server or at least configure it to run sftp?)

Thanks in advance,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / MOH music over PA system?
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:46:24 PM »
Hi folks. We had a weird incident today where somehow, the MOH was blaring over the PA (external speaker paging on an analog extension). Evidently after a while it rang back (also over the PA), so I'm assuming that was a recall and went back to the hold-er.

While I can see in theory that one could (I suppose) call the MOH extension and perhaps conference or transfer it to the speaker paging extension, but I don't see any practical way this could happen, especially accidentally. Being that there might have been a caller on hold at the same time makes this even more confusing.

Has anyone heard of this? Could someone theorize what buttons might have been mashed to get this to happen?


Hi folks,
I don't remember if I asked about this before. This is the third case I've seen now, so I figure it's time for some advice.

I have a phone that doesn't hang up, either with the hookswitch or with the cancel key, and basically it appears all the buttons are kinda frozen. It's pretty weird. Some dialed digits might show up on the display but there are no dtmf tones. THe hookswitch obviously works to -answer- but doesn't work to hang up (among other oddball behavior.) Rebooting the set works for a little while, but then reverts.

At first glance, it would seem that it's the phoneset, but when I saw this the first time, I swapped the extension to another set, and the behavior persists, so it's not the phone. Completely blowing out the phone and extension seems to fix it, but the case I have now is a reception phone with pkm and various other customizations that would be a real PITA to rebuild.

Has anyone heard if this or know of a permanent solution? FYI this is a 3300 cluster running 7.1PR1/

Any advice is appreciated!

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / No extension shown in phone book
« on: December 29, 2015, 08:24:03 AM »
Hi folks. I'm at a loss here. Just built a new extension like I always do. For some reason, when searching this person in the phone book, the name shows, but no extension. Don't know if this is relevant, but she's also built in MAS and nupoint. The number is not listed as private, and from all I can tell, is the same as the others that do show...

Ideas welcome,

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / "Best" ATA for fax machines?
« on: December 28, 2015, 10:14:27 AM »
Good day, folks,

I'm interested in putting several fax machines on our 3300 with ATA's. We tried this before using ports on the analog cards over SIP and it was a miserable failure. However, now we're on a PRI, so I'm fairly certain faxes should work properly. I'm also thinking that ATA's would be more flexible in that I can move them around with existing ethernet ports rather than having to reroute phone wires. What models of ATAs are officially supported for the 3300? Are the Cisco 112/122's covered? Grandstream? Any others? I'd like to hear experiences from folks that are using any ATAs for faxing.

Thanks in advance,

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