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Messages - jcatucci812

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I've been trying to fix this for a while now and I'm basically at a standstill. If you call this certain phone extension and no one picks up after a couple rings, it forwards to the attendant. We do not want that for this extension. We just want the phone to continuously ring if no one answers. Trying to be somewhat logical, I identify two existing phone extensions that will continue to ring if no one picks up. I figured if I just compare and contrast the phone's settings to the two I want it to behave like, I would see what the difference is. I assumed it had something to do with Forwarding Paths.

Well, I feel like I've checked just about every setting there is, and I CANNOT find the difference. I'm looking under System > Devices and Feature Codes > Phones > Local, and looking at the specific extension's properties. I'm about to just copy the configuration of one of the working extensions to the one I'm trying to change and be done with it. But now it's bugged me so much that I'm genuinely curious what I'm missing.

Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks

Missed calls are found in Call Logging, which can be enabled under station flags. Default feature code is 333.
Yes, but to my knowledge, there is no way to let the caller know they have a missed call on their phone without clicking a button or two. The phone models we're dealing with are 5320 and 5330.

All I'd like there to be is a button that is lit up or maybe flashes to let the caller know they have a missed call without having to manually check through > Applications > Call History > Missed Calls.

Actually a designed feature!!! Say you're a great is it to know a prospect called but didn't leave a message?  But to turn it off go into database programming, then VOICE PROCESSOR/DEVICES/MAILBOXES/<YOUR MAILBOX> and turn off DELIVER HANGUP MESSAGES.
How about if Mitel included a missed call indicator instead? That'd be even greater.  ;)

Thank you for your quick response. I was able to find the setting and turn it off. Not sure how it got turned on for some phones, but whatever.


If a caller let's it go to my voicemail greeting but does not leave a message, my phone will still say I have a new voicemail. When I go to access my voicemail, there will be a 2 second message and it just says "No message left".

Has anyone else run into this? This is only happening with a few of our users. Not all phones do this.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Integrating with microphones?
« on: February 28, 2017, 08:43:30 AM »
Thanks for the reply. I'll check it out and get back to you.

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Integrating with microphones?
« on: February 27, 2017, 04:31:32 PM »
I'm going to throw this out there and see if anyone has any experience with this...

Our company ordered a new conference room table that has built-in microphones at each seat. I don't have that much information on the table or microphones at the moment. I was wondering if there was any way we could integrate them into our phone system? Maybe it's as simple as there being some microphone switch box or something like that? I did a little research and couldn't find anything so I figured I'd ask you guys.


MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Can't conference calls together
« on: February 22, 2017, 01:36:39 PM »
I've figured it out now thanks to the three of you. Using the SPECIAL key + 5 to conference calls together worked.

The really strange thing is I had it working last week. I'm not crazy either! My boss says the same thing because he was involved in the conference call test. I could have sworn I used the transfer button to do it. It's all moot now since I know the proper way to do it, but is it possible something changed in the system to cause that? 

Thank you all for taking the time to reply!

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Can't conference calls together
« on: February 22, 2017, 08:45:08 AM »
Hi all - first time poster here! My manager wants to hand off some of his phone system responsibilities to me, so I'm probably going to make myself comfortable on these forums ha!

I was wondering if you guys could help me out with my first problem. I'm still learning about Mitel phone systems so forgive me if my verbiage seems amateurish...

The issue is we cannot conference two calls together. I have phone training scheduled next week to teach users how to use their phones so I created a PowerPoint which covers basic call functions. Yesterday, I figured I'd run through all the slides to make sure everything I was going to demonstrate works, and of course I come to find conferencing calls isn't working. I know I tested this out last week and it worked. I'm not sure what changed. When you go to conference the two calls together, it just drops the one call.

For example, I'm connected to my first caller. I press the transfer/conference button, and 'Transfer Call to Extension' appears on the phone screen. I dial the second party's number and they answer. If I hit the transfer/conference button again, it disconnects the second party's call. I've tested this with several different phones to rule out the possibility of it being an issue with my specific phone. My manager looked inside the DB Programming to see if there were any flags or something related to Conferencing that was disabled, but everything seemed OK.

Our phone system is a Mitel 5000 and a majority of our phone models are 5320/5330.

Has anyone ran into this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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