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Messages - nintendo1889

Pages: [1]
Introduction and Announcements / Re: The Mitel - Polycom Deal is Dead
« on: July 11, 2016, 01:55:12 PM »
Yes, I'd rather use the speaker on a PolyCom desk phone on my diy home asterisk system than the headset or the headphone jack on any other generic sip phone. Just love the sound quality.

Sent from my LG Leon using Tapatalk. News and support in realtime on #LGL70 and #LGLeon on Kik.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Wireshark/pcap post deleted
« on: August 20, 2014, 03:20:40 PM »
What happened to the pcap/wireshark post? Mitel's lawyers?

I've uploaded the portable ie8 to 4shared but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link to executable files here. If anyone needs the link pm me.

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Data Interface Specifications PDF
« on: November 29, 2013, 01:37:02 PM »
I see it's listed under Software,

It appears to be require a the portal login now.  :(

I haven't tried recently, but I know that Avant Browser (using the IE 8 engine) will work.

I believe MyIE2 (and/or an older version of maxthon) will work as well, but again, requiring the IE8 engine.

Also there's a portable version of IE8 beta floating around. It uses VMWare Thinstall. I am able to use it with IE7 installed, but I'm not sure how it will work with a later version of IE installed. The md5 hash is below.

I'm certainly going to hold on to it for that time when I'm forced to switch from XP.

Code: [Select]
c:\>md5sum -b "IE8 Portable.exe"

b5be2cf02d6aaa8f1321b66e0ba44cfa *IE8 Portable.exe

c:\>md5sum --version
md5sum (GNU coreutils) 5.3.0

I've also heard of another app called IE Collection. I'm not sure how it works.

First of all the public internet is "best effort" at best when it comes to 'QoS'.  Some providers will provide better than "best effort" for RTP and SIP packets. But, there's no guarantee the next hop (router down the line will do that, so everything should be considered "best effort" in other words pray the packets get there timely, if at all.  Concealing those packets in a VPN will guarantee you that you will always be stuck at best effort though because the ISP can't see them and prioritize them. Second, security has nothing to do with it as Mitel doesn't send RTP in the clear, so you can't just load software and listen to conversations in progress.

Prioritizing where you can, i.e., the local switch and router, can help with traffic that is competing at your local site. For example, if a couple users start downloading files and saturating the link. Once it leaves your site you're at the mercy of the ISP and that can be a difficult place to be.  A cheap home router in it's default config will send everything best effort, so if you start enough downloads and make calls with the teleworker phone, the garble will start.

Excellently-worded response. I saved it in my email templates.

I remember reading a wikipedia article that mentioned the reasoning behind the lack of qos on dsl/cable/residential connections (all I remember is it mentioned dark fiber, the market downturn of 2001, and after 2001 providers stopped prioritizing different types of connections, whereas previously bandwidth was carefully prioritized, and now bandwidth is an all-you-can-eat smorgashbord [btw, you can't just keep throwing bandwidth at a qos problem afaik. It can help, but not solve it]). If anyone knows the article I'm thinking of, please let me know.

There's a file in the online help (at /uwi/help/En/sysadmin/preventing_toll_fraud.pdf), entitled Using CDE to Prevent Toll Fraud on the 3300 ICP. It's from 2002, but I found it helpful in addition to the information above.


I saw it on the recent 6.0 sp1 bulletin. Firefox 17.0 or later is supported.

how is it detecting user agent changers?

avant browser works too ( use the classic rendering mode under options). it will even run from a flash drive.

maxthon works too (change the user agent).

I haven't found a browser that will work either. Doesn't the next MCD release have Firefox support? Maybe something will work then. Or just some good old standards compliant coding would be welcomed.
I had not heard that, FireFox support for the programming interface? That would be awesome!

I tried about 10 different browsers today, all failed with about the same message.  :(

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: vMCD Login?
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:37:53 PM »
Thanks! I'm in the interface and assigned the MCD the next available ip and I was able to login. Is there any way to configure multiple MCD systems (for XNET or SDS) even though the MCD isn't licensed? Or will they only be configured but not be able connect to each other without licensing?

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / vMCD Login?
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:16:13 PM »
I just finished the MCD basic i&m class. I'm trying to continue my education by using the vMCD, since I can't get my hands on real hardware for awhile.

I have it up and running in vmware workstation v9 (with 1gb of ram allocated and 2 virtual cpus [the vmx by default asks for 4 cpus, but I didn't see any trouble in the dmesg log]): I can login to the terminal as root/password, and I can reach the web interface, however I can't login as system/password, root/password, administrator/password. By the way, I entered 'password' for the password during the installer. The screenshot is attached.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Responsibilities for PBX Backups
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:40:25 AM »
Sorry, please delete my post if this thread is too old.

Is there a way to use sftp (secure ftp) to do backups? If so, then an off-site backups could be done securely and automatically.

Can redhat el or centos packages be installed the msl mcd servers (eg openssl or a secure ftp server)?

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