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Messages - acejavelin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 267
Yes I did, are they considered the best practice then?
Yes, it is...

doesn't hackers usually use the tftp protocol to gain access to servers for this case which is the MBG server and why tftp is usually not considered safe to allow through the firewall.
I mean, you aren't entirely wrong... tftp doesn't talk to the MBG, it passes it through to the MiVB, which is only a file repository and there is no access to anything else. Tftp is just a file transfer protocol, and it is in it's most basic form in the Mitel offering them for download only (there is no upload to the Mitel via tftp)... the Mitel doesn't execute or do anything with files in it's file repository for phones, it's just storage.

There is no security issue here...

I don't... honestly I find the best way to use the MBG is the way it was intended, with two interfaces, one on the LAN and one directly on the WAN. I don't have any customers doing it any other way.

That said, pretty sure the process is well documented that tells you what ports, etc need to be open/mapped... have you checked the docs and knowledge base?

What is your concern with the firmware using an unsecure protocol? The phone downloads the firmware and verifies the checksum before applying it, there isn't any real security concern here...

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Mitel 250 remote worker limit
« on: May 15, 2024, 09:53:49 AM »
Whatever their Internet can handle... 0-250 phones...

Wasn't end of sale for licenses June 2022?

Licenses cannot be transferred between different vendors... I am not sure Mitel AMC will move ANY MiVO 250 licenses other then between nodes in the same customer group. If you buy a "retired" system, technically you don't get the license that is associated with it as it is tied to the previous system owner or vendor of record, you don't get to "buy" it, used hardware is exactly that, hardware only.

This is the same old MS Access error we have been seeing for years... it's just presenting in a different way now... Reinstall MS Access 2010 in the Apps menu of Windows and it will work, you don't even have to close the Mitel app, just open the Apps & Features menu, find Microsoft Access 2010, select Modify, and then Reinstall and click through the prompts... takes like 10 seconds. Then you can just reconnect and the programmer will work fine.

Crappy answer, but it works consistently.   

MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Re: Database converter
« on: April 21, 2024, 10:56:24 AM »
It is built-in to the Mitel System Admin and Diagnostics program, in the utilities menu in the upper right corner...

So the call is going out the PRI to an IVR, then coming back in on the PRI to an LDN appearance? The caller ID will be based on what is sent by the IVR, which I assume is it is not sending anything which is why you are seeing the main number. I am not sure how you expect it to show the caller's extension unless I am misunderstanding the setup, from the Mitel's perspective, this is an external caller on a PRI channel and not an internal caller.

"Access Denied" is almost always a permissions problem, usually a Class of Restriction (COR) issue...

The system is saying it doesn't detect voltage on those port(s)... Your telco needs to come onsite and verify the lines are working.

Of course, I would suggest a reboot first... it doesn't often fix this issue, but it can't really hurt.

SIP On Mitel / Re: DTMF not correctly sent from SIP extension
« on: April 02, 2024, 04:24:17 PM »
Make sure your DTMF payload type (96 or 101 usually) is set the same in the SIP Peer Profile as it is in the device.

I have found on some of these it's easier to setup an email address with the ISP and relay through them...

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Cordless phone options for 3300?
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:26:09 PM »
Engenius makes a good SIP cordless phone...

Mitel MiVoice Business/MCD/3300 / Re: Mitel Newbie
« on: March 13, 2024, 09:20:26 PM »
Most people use the Set Install or Replacement PIN...

Connect the phone to the network and allow it to connect to the 3300... if the MAC address isn't recognized, it will show ask for the PIN... like "ENTER PIN AND PRESS HOLD" or something similar (exact verbiage/key depends on set type), and enter the Install PIN (*** in most default installations, but you could check your system options form) and the extension.

So if the new extension is x1234, when the phone comes to the PIN screen enter ***1234(HOLD) and the MAC address of that device will be associated with that user in the system and the phone will come online... If it is replacing an existing user, the Set Replacement PIN (### in many installations) can be used instead, say if the phone on x1222 went bad and needed to be replaced, disconnect it and install the new set, and when it gets to the PIN screen, enter ###1222(HOLD) and the MAC on that user will be swapped with the new set.  Note this only works if the set type (5330, 5360, 6930, etc) are correct and match to the set.

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