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Topics - fcoffey

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I have searched on the forum and dug quite a bit into past posts and don't see an obvious duplicate of my question - so hopefully I'm not asking something common.

Short of deleting and re-creating an associated mailbox for a user, is there a simpler way to reset/reinitialize a voice mail box into a "freshly created" state? (without actually freshly creating it).

I have some users that are moving and someone new is filling the empty seat once the musical chairs are complete, and it would be nice to present them with a "new to them" voicemail box.

One of the voice mail boxes in question is part of a few CRA's, and if I delete/recreate the voice mail box, it messes up the CRA's and I have to go in a reset digit destinations, etc.

I am just trying to save myself a bit of work / CRA chasing.



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Control users volumes
« on: February 22, 2021, 04:08:44 PM »
Hi all,

I've done some searching on the forums and found at least a few "leads to an answer" if you will, but wanted to ask the question again as the threads I found were "old" (at least in a tech sense).

This is probably a "social" problem looking for a technical answer, but I have been asked to see if I can hard-set IC/CO ring volume and not allow the user to alter it due to users turning down their ringer to the point where they "cannot hear it" and are ignoring calls.

The vast majority of phones are 5320e's and 5340e's.

If I whip up a test offline database and turn on OLM I can see that I can set volumes, but I am assuming the user can just re-set it (in this case, low as to not hear the ringing).

Thinking outside the box a bit, I do have a CT Gateway available, perhaps I could write some custom code (via the System OAI toolkit?)  to check a list of extensions volumes and re-set them to a per-determined level if they aren't where they should be?    My guess is even checking every 15 minutes would probably be to much "load" on the system?     ... or should I just tell management to smack upside the head (Gibbs/NCIS style ...) those employees that turn down their ringer?

MiVoice Office 250 running ...



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / SIP message debug question
« on: January 17, 2020, 01:35:04 PM »
Hi all,

Figured I'd start a new topic for this one.

For a given SIP Trunk Group, if I turn on OLM and for the trunk group itself turn on SIP Messages to Full, and also under General Configuration turn on SIP Messages to Full, level Debug - would you assume that in the SIP debug log text file available via the web interface would show (if configured) the system sending SIP REGISTER messages?

I have a situation where I'm trying to configure a SIP trunk, but all I see is INVITE's in the logs when I try test calls (that time out with "Destination not responding"), but no REGISTER despite the fact that it looks configured with username, password, etc to me.

Other SIP trunks I have used on my other office Mitel 250 systems have not needed a registration, so they "just worked" without much fuss.

If it helps. I can post slightly photoshopped screen shots if needed. :)

EDIT: Running on all my nodes.



MiVoice Office 250/Mitel 5000 / Paging to SIP horn?
« on: October 27, 2017, 04:38:29 PM »
Hi all,

Been lurking here for awhile, just registered to post this question.  I have been working with the Mitel MiVoice Office 250 since it was called the Eclipse^2 system, as an end-user (customer).  Currently have a three node 250 system and at one of the sites have the page port connected to a Valcom horn setup.  It works well.

Through no fault of anyone, there was a need to expand the paging to an outbuilding that had fiber (and a switch of course) but no "paging wire".   Purchased an Algo 8186 SIP Horn, hung, configured, got the license for it, called it, haunted the folks in the warehouse, cool.   I emailed my vendor for a compatibility check, and did not get an immediate response.  Since I had successfully configured an Algo strobe at another site, I figured the horn would work as well.  Turns out I should have waited for my vendor to respond.  Bully on me. :(

I am not able to figure out how to make the system "page" not only the Valcom horns but the Algo horn as well.  Trying Phantom trickery (set up a Phantom, make it forward immediately to the horn extension, and put that Phantom in the page zone) doesn't work either.  I consulted my vendor who has a small lab setup and they couldn't figure out anything either.   So, I'm coming to the collective wisdom of the group.

Please be easy on me. :)



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