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Messages - jimbob76

Pages: [1]
Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Hello All
« on: April 15, 2021, 04:41:41 PM »
Unbelievably i forgot to write down which one it is and have now forgotten what it looks like.
Fairly certain it was a PolrE version with a single connector not a double But could have been a flex unit will need to see if I can pop in to site tomorrow to double check which it is.

In terms of length. The 100pair voice is between 100-200m in length at a guess around 150m between comms building A and DP in building B.

Only other option would be fibre but existing fibre only has 2 spare cores.

Non-Mitel Chatter / Re: Hello All
« on: April 14, 2021, 02:32:36 PM »
Surely that’s essentially what i am proposing.

Phybridge switch to voice frame in building A. 3x digital phones so 3 pairs on a block of 100pair across to building B DP. From Dp to voice panel. Voice panel patched to data patch panel ports corresponding to required position of new phones, at data wall ports install a filter for each phone and plug phones into filters?

Non-Mitel Chatter / Hello All
« on: April 13, 2021, 02:43:27 PM »
Hello Everyone.

Time to introduce myself. My name is J. I am an SDM, PM in IT of 20+ years. Live in the UK etc.

Right well this isn't a dating app sooo...

As Johnny 5 says... I need input!!

Its why we all come here isn't it?

So i have been handed a request to install 3 digital phones from a Phybridge. I haven't dealt with a phybridge setup before. The site layout is.

Two buildings with links between. Main comms room with Phybridge units x2 and a Main voice frame in building A which in turn links via a 100 pair voice to a DP in building B and that DP links to a cat5 panel in a cabinet in building B.

Within Building B from the cabinet there are Cat 5 outlets to the offices where the phones are required. There are also Voice outlets next to each data outlet. ie building B can operate either structured or unstructured.

The question i have is how i link all this up?

As far as I can understand from a brief look.

In Building B. Plug digital phones into cat5 outlets.  In cabinet link from wall outlet patch panel to "100Pair" voice patch panel.
In Building A. Link from other end of 100 pair on Main voice frame to Phybridge.

Is this right? How do i create the link in Building A from Voice frame to Phybridge?
What are the implications of running the 3 digital lines over the 100 pair in terms of crossover impact on other pairs of non digital lines?

Any help or advice much appreciated.

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