Author Topic: Can the 200ICP provide a CPC disconnect?  (Read 2089 times)

Offline handwritten

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Can the 200ICP provide a CPC disconnect?
« on: July 07, 2017, 10:30:21 AM »
I'm deploying some Talkaphone emergency phones on my 200ICP.  The phone dials an extension hosted on a 3300, and the call works as expected.  However, when the remote party hangs up, the line stays open on the phone.  There is a fast-busy, then eventually the phone's timer expires and it hangs up.  Talkaphone support tells me their phones need a CPC.  Can the 200ICP provide this?  They also mention I could use a Viking CPC-1, which I may have to use if I can't get this to work.

From the device manual:"If connected to a PBX, your extension must provide:  at least 24 Volts at 20 mA off-hook (no current is drawn on-hook) either a disconnect pulse (voltage drop at end of call) or 30-seconds of silence after hang-up (no re-order or howler feature)."

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Can the 200ICP provide a CPC disconnect?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 11:16:18 AM »
I'm deploying some Talkaphone emergency phones on my 200ICP.  The phone dials an extension hosted on a 3300, and the call works as expected.  However, when the remote party hangs up, the line stays open on the phone.  There is a fast-busy, then eventually the phone's timer expires and it hangs up.  Talkaphone support tells me their phones need a CPC.  Can the 200ICP provide this?  They also mention I could use a Viking CPC-1, which I may have to use if I can't get this to work.

From the device manual:"If connected to a PBX, your extension must provide:  at least 24 Volts at 20 mA off-hook (no current is drawn on-hook) either a disconnect pulse (voltage drop at end of call) or 30-seconds of silence after hang-up (no re-order or howler feature)."

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!
The SX200 supports Positive Disconnect

System Option 22 - Last Party Clear/Dial Tone set to Disabled
COS Option 506 - ONS Positive Disconnect to Enabled on the ONS stations COS

(Going from memory, I think that is all that is needed, but it might be in the documentation too)

This will cause a "disconnect pulse" or Positive Disconnect signal (removal of all voltage from port momentarily) at the termination of the call, should be what your other equipment is looking for.

Offline handwritten

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Re: Can the 200ICP provide a CPC disconnect?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2017, 11:51:22 AM »
That totally worked.  Thanks so much!


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