I have a NuPoint system setup to a 3300. The main number (5001) is set to run through a call director. First it goes to caller ID filter to block a number. Then it goes through a schedule for daily hours. Off hours is sent to the afterhours mailbox. The On hours is sent to a phantom ext. (5*001) that is setup as an appearance on the 3 front desk phones. They all ring fine. If no one answers I have setup a second mailbox (50001) that is the Daytime call director with a menu giving the caller a few options. I made the daytime mailbox 50001 because it would let me make a mailbox 5*001. So in the daytime mailbox 50001 I have set the ext as 5*001 and the alt. ext. 1 to 50001 so that when the first call flow transfers to 5*001 the missed calls should go to the mailbox. Right now if a call is missed the caller hears “Welcome to the Message center Please enter the mailbox you want” instead of going to the 50001 mailbox. I have tested by typing 50001 it goes to the mailbox and I hear the menu and the menu works fine. I just can’t get the call to go to that mailbox on its own. I am not sure what I am missing.