Hello. I have been receiving more than 80 notificatoins with the following alarm:
ALM0095 - Missing Devices Alarm
Each ALM0095 alarm shows an account code (used for making external calls) such as:
Details: 3300 ICP,AccountCode:3333 (AccountCode:3333)
The following article:
http://micc.mitel.com/kb/KnowledgebaseArticle51550.aspx on the ALM00095 alarm mentions that the cause of this is because the devices have not been programmed in Yoursite. However, I have synced Yoursite with the Mitel 3300 ICP and all extensions, agents and employees are up-to-date.
Looking at the Account Code section in Yoursite, it only has two entries. Could these alarms be firing off cause of this? And would there be a way to find out which account code belongs to which agent/employee, so that it can be added in Yoursite?