We recently install Mitel and we have UC360.
PBX network is on different network but connected to our office network thru firewall (DMZ).
All our office telephone our connected to thru our office network (VLAN 101) and computers are connected thru telephone (VLAN 500). But if I plug-in UC360 to office network VOIP works well, however we could not connect to internet
How should we setup UC360 so that it can use VOIP (similar to office telephone) and use Internet/Webex (similar to computer that connects to telephone). Mitel document says I have to setup VLAN ID on UC360 but when I entered 101 on VLAN ID, UC360 still could not connect to internet.
On our switch data port the configuration are as follows:
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
description Voice/Data
switchport access vlan 500
switchport mode access
switchport voice vlan 101
mls qos trust cos
spanning-tree portfast
Please advise how to properly setup UC360 to use VOIP and data.