Author Topic: mitel 5000 music on hold issue  (Read 5516 times)

Offline markdevoll

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mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« on: October 07, 2015, 05:56:43 PM »
I have a mitel 5000 with an audio issue. it is now on a pri and it happened before the pri.
I have a call routing table point to a star 2502 and that goes to a 3504 cra that goes to hunt group 2000. here is the issue. when you call in before the call rings a set in the hunt group the caller hears husic on hold for about 1/2 a second. any way to get rid of this. we need the star to change there the phone rings at night with out the customer doing anything. 

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2015, 07:30:27 PM »
Go to - CO Trunk Group/Audio on Hold for Transfer Announcement - Change to "Ringback"

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2015, 10:34:02 AM »
will the normal music on hold still work?

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2015, 09:22:54 PM »
Change Audio on Hold for Transfer Announcement to Silence, otherwise you will hear ring burst or a snippet of music. MOH will work correctly after the transfer.

Offline robin.mawman

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2016, 10:37:03 AM »
So I have the same issue as OP. I'm using MoH profiles so I can set different settings for each number in my call routing table. If I set Audio on Hold for Transfer Announcement to Silence as suggested above, it does remove the initial blurt of sound but then it also prevents the hold music from being played when a call comes in and is then transferred. There is just silence, which makes perfect sense since that's what its been changed to.

Surely this is a fairly standard setup, how can this not have a solution?

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2016, 01:18:24 PM »

I am not sure what it is you are really asking about, but I will try to explain how it works and maybe that will help you figure out your issue.

Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement is what a caller hears when they get put on hold during a transfer to another destination while the transferring station completes the transfer process. Once the transfer has been completed, meaning once it has left the transfering stations ability to pick it back up, the caller will then hear the Audio On Transfer to Ring or Audio Transfer to Hold depending on whether the original transfer station used Transfer to Ring or Transfer to Hold when transferring the call.

Scenario 1: Live Answer to Operator that transfers to a user.

Call rings in to an operator, "Hello, thank you for calling xyz company how may I direct your call?"
Caller states, "Hello this is John Doe, I would like to talk to Jane Smith at extension 1234 please."
Operator, "Hold one minute while I transfer your call", presses transfer 1234 or a DSS/BLF for Jane Smith. Caller hears Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement.

At this point the Operator can either do a Blind Transfer by just hanging up and completing the transfer or an Announced Transfer by waiting for Jane Smith to answer and then tell them about the caller requesting them. During this period of time the Audio On Hold Transfer Announcement is what the caller will hear because they are "On Hold" while waiting to be "Transfer"red and possibly "Announced" to the user before the transfer is completed.

Now, depending on whether the Operator used Transfer to Ring, typical transfer, or Transfer to Hold, similar to park, the user will hear that Audio once the transfer has been completed by the Operator.

Scenario 2: Call Routing Announcement [CRA] Answers and then transfers to user.

Call rings in to a CRA that answers, "Hello, thank you for calling xyz company. If you know your parties extension you may dial it now."
Caller dials 1234 and the CRA will either state, "Now transferring to Jane Smith" if the Auto Attendant Transfer Prompt is set to Yes on mailbox 1234 or it will just do a Blind Transfer to 1234. During the Blind Transfer the caller will hear the Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement audio before being set to the Audio On Transfer to Ring audio which is typically set to Ringing.
Typically you would set the Audio On Transfer to Ring to the same Audio as Audio On Hold for Announcement to alleviate the noticeable change when the two are completely different. If you want the Ringing on Transfer to Ring then set the audio for both to Ringing. There is still some noticeable change sometimes even when they are both set to Ringing so what some technicians have dones is set the Audio On Hold for Announcement to Silence so that the first thing a caller hears is the Audio on Transfer to Ring or Audio On Transfer to Hold, depending on how the call was transferred.

Hopefully that helps you figure out what problems with the Audio during a transfer on your system.



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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2016, 05:19:42 AM »
Thank you for the reply Tech Electronics. I think your breakdown of the process is helpful but I think its just confirming that I can't have it configured how I want. It is your scenario 1 that I am trying to configure this for. If I set the Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement to be our file-based hold music on the MoH profile in the call routing table, then scenario 1 works perfectly except for the original problem of the caller hearing a half second blurt of the hold music at the start of their call (I assume while it is being transferred to or from the STAR involved).

Apparently, the only way to get rid of the blurt of sound is to set the Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement to be silence. That removes the blurt but then obviously disables the MoH for later transfers (Operator transferring to Jane Smith will be silent on hold). I need to be able to block the initial blurt, but maintain the MoH for transfers further down the line.

As I understand it, any setting in the MoH profile will override everything further down the chain. That really doesn't help as even if there was a way of individually configuring the inbound route (settings on the STAR or Hunt Group for example) I don't want to have to configure all of this individually for all of our inbound lines.

To make matters even more annoying, we don't want this configuration on every single inbound line, so I can't really use any settings that work globally. Although I guess I could use MoH profiles on those to override.

I hope that explains the problem a little better, and I really hope there is a solution for this. Thanks.

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2016, 10:22:29 PM »

It sounds as though you are looking for more granularity in how MoH works as so with that they developed Use Next Device's Audio Source which I believe is a setting for Audio On Hold for Transfer Announcement as well as Audio for Transfer to Ring and Audio for Transfer to Hold.

You can press F1 when you are at a programming area and it will allow you to see the definitions and programming options for that stage of programming.

If you need me to go into more detail I can.


Alright, I looked into that a little more since I had to get my laptop out. Anyway, try setting just the Audio on Hold for Transfer Announcement to Use Next Device's Audio Source so that will determine what is played based on what the next device's audio will be and what transfer option you selected. You can leave the other options under your MoH the way they are now if they are working the way you want them to.


« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 10:42:45 PM by Tech Electronics »

Offline robin.mawman

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Re: mitel 5000 music on hold issue
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2016, 11:14:53 AM »
Just in case anyone stumbles across this, I was able to find a solution that worked for us. Thanks to Tech Electronics for the assist.

So I basically had to create a second MoH profile that was all set to tick tone and silence for Audio on Hold for Transfer Announcement and apply that to all of the lines that I didn't want our hold music on. Then, setup the main MoH profile with hold transfer announcement set to use next device. I then had to go through all of our Hot Desk profiles (or phones) and change the hold music setting to the file based MoH we wanted. That way, all incoming calls skip over the initial blurt of sound and then the MoH profile overrides the hold music setting on the phones so it doesn't play when we don't want it to.


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