Author Topic: MiCollab - Skype for Business  (Read 5738 times)

Offline VinceWhirlwind

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MiCollab - Skype for Business
« on: June 16, 2016, 01:02:36 AM »
I've just spent the last 90 minutes looking through all the MAS/MiCollab pdf files and cannot find installation instructions relevant to a serious deployment of MAS/Skype for Business.
The closest they seem to come to documenting it is in the MiCollab Client Admin Guide where they say,
"Once the MiVoice for Skype for Business account is created on the MiCollab Client Service, the
user will receive a Welcome E-mail with the following information:
• User client Login ID (Login ID is driven from Active Directory - AD) and password
• Link to download the MiVoice for Skype for Business plug-in software installer"
So this gives me two problems -
1. What is a "MiVoice for Skype for Business" account? I am guessing this is a MiCollab user whose MiCollab Client is set to a different kind of Feature profile.
None of the Feature Profile options mention Skype for business.
2. A link to download software might work for people who own their own computers, but in a corporate environment no user is going to be able install anything anyway.
Has anybody ever found any documentation that covers this stuff?

Offline acejavelin

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Re: MiCollab - Skype for Business
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2016, 07:25:13 AM »
You are over complicating it... "Skype for Business" is the new name for Microsoft Lync, instead of using the full blown client, the user installed the MiCollab Client plugin in Lync.

A "MiVoice for Skype for Business" account is referring to the MiCollab Client account, the feature profile is basically the same just the user interface isn't the MiCollab Client, it is the Lync (Skype for Business) Plugin.

You can deploy the software via AD and a group policy I believe, the client plugin is identical for everyone, don't ask me how this is done specifically as this is beyond the scope of my knowledge, but I have seen IT departments do it in more than one instance. They just get the installer and do whatever magic they do. If you have AD integration into MiCollab then no email is needed since the credentials are the same as there AD login.


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