Looking to associate company names to inbound calls by the DID that was dialed. To further complicate, the Receptionist answers and transfer to CSRs who also work for multiple companies, so the transferred call needs to show the company instead of "transferred from Reception".
Scenario: Receptionist answers for 15+ companies, and needs to answer the phone for each organization with the appropriate verbiage. My Mitel SE suggested Hunt Groups with the Receptionist as the only member. In this scenario the receptionist is seeing the caller ID, not the Hunt Group Name. Can we populate the screen with the Hunt Group name instead of Caller ID?
Scenarion 2: Mitel Sales Support suggested a DID pointed to CRA announcements with no message recorded, and the receptionist as the destination. Issue here is that we have tried to deleted the "your call is being answered by Mitel..." from the system announcements, but it plays none the less. It also appears that the TRs from XXXX Corp doesn't follow when the call is transferred.
Any ideas or preferred methods. Would like to stay away from Phantom DNs on different buttons if possible.
As always, thank you.