Why not use the management subroutine in YSE. If you tweak it a bit you can overwrite existing prompts using menu options. Just remove the date time stamp option and define the file output.
If you want to use external files then there might be a better way in my option. Yoursite has a crafty way of importing and immediately converting audio files

. What I normally do is as follows:
1. In the workflow I make a play option.
2. After that I do a quick add and make sure I have the file in a separate folder renamed to something logical eg Company_Closed Hours_YYMMDD.*
3. If YSE is able to handle the file extension the prompt will be saved.
4. It will give you a popup and you have to create a new prompt. Give it a nice name like in step 2.
5. After that the file will be placed in IVR\Media\Customer\Language folder
6. Check the language it is saved under. Should be the same as your flow is set to. I Always define language on the top of every workflow as a default.
If the language is the same and YSE was able to convert the file then it show play straight away.
I dont know about WMA but I have been able to do so with .WAVs recorded at 44kHz etc.