I need to do a backup, database clean, and restore on a 5000 release 6 remotely this evening, but I need to get it into back into night service when I am done... anyway to do that via a System Command or something else in Mitel System Admin & Diag? I will be logged into a PC onsite with a full MSA&D installation, but the clinic is closed and no one is onsite and I need to get it back into night more when I am done, or if I backup when in it is in Night mode, will it restore to night mode automatically, how can I verify that?
EDIT: Nevermind, figured out how to do it through the web interface via an admin user account.
EDIT 2: lol... I didn't realize I could just do this with the admin login to the AWP page, just click the Day/Night Mode button on the top of the screen.