Hello there,
i'm glad i've found this place, and hope you will be able to help me
Here is my problem :
Since a long time, i had no trouble at all.
During the past last days, i was getting a message after logging into the 3300 ICP web interface and clicking the administration button : "A system error occurred, contact Mitel blablabla No data available for specified ressource
Ip.add.of.the.ICP/uwi/xsl/uwi_renderAppareasel.xsl, line 0
I tried to reboot the 3300 (the hard way) : after rebooting, same trouble.
I tried to login using telnet, and the login/pass must be different from the web page because i didn't succeed... since then, i cannot even get the login/pass prompt on telnet, but worst, i'm not able to get the login/pass page on the web interface either!
Using another PC, i'm able to login normally and do anything on the web interface...
I suspect my Pc may have been banned by the 3300, and my question is : how do i unban my computer?
I'm able to ping, but neither IE nor Firefox or Chrome allows me to get the login/pass page... i even tried to spoof my nic's Mac address, with no success, still same trouble...
What should/could i do? Is it related to the 3300 or to my computer's network configuration (which hasn't changed since a long time)