Author Topic: Native Android SIP on Mitel  (Read 3192 times)

Offline jay905

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Native Android SIP on Mitel
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:48:38 AM »
Good morning everyone,

I've hit a bit of a problem trying to get the native SIP client built into Android to work with my Mitel MXe and haven't found a whole lot of information on the Internet so I thought I would post here.

I've tried a couple of different Android versions and what happens is the device will register, it can make and receive calls but for only approximately 25-30 seconds then the call is dropped.  I have Spectralink Wifi phones successfully working with a direct connection to the Mitel, and have successfully used Bria on my iPhone, but the Android client just doesn't seem to work.  I can only think there must be a SIP Device Capability that I need for these to make them work, I just don't know what to try.

Any suggestions anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Native Android SIP on Mitel
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 09:41:03 AM »
I have never been able to make the native SIP phone work either, but have successfully used Bria, CSipSImple, Sipdroid, and a handful of other Android clients as well... There are many free ones out there you can use, although if you find an answer please post it, I would be interested in to know a solution if it exists.


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