Author Topic: Forwarding hunt group calls to mobile  (Read 4780 times)

Offline temple

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Forwarding hunt group calls to mobile
« on: October 13, 2015, 07:09:54 AM »
Hi all, here's another one that's leaving me stumped!

Our main switchboard DDI goes to a hunt group so that if reception don't answer then one of the admin team will get the call. In the evenings, our receptionist may be away from her desk so wants to forward all calls to a company mobile so that she can answer calls. No one else in the hunt group is around so don't necessarily need to call them.

When I tried a simple forward from her extension, it works if you dial her extension directly, but does not forward hunt group calls.

Someone advised me to try using a CRA to a phantom extension which forwards to her mobile. When I try that her phone rings and says "Invalid forward destination" and rings as normal.

Is there any simple way I can get our switchboard DDI number to forward to mobile at the press of a pre programmed button for her. I've tried using DEE but no luck there either.

Sadly we use day/night mode so can't use that either!

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Re: Forwarding hunt group calls to mobile
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2015, 09:21:44 AM »
Hunt group calls will not forward off-site, but there is an easy work around to accomplish what you want to do.

Point the DDI directly to the receptionist's phone. Create an immediate forward path to the hunt group for Call Routing Table only. Create another DND forward path for Call Routing Table only to a phantom which is forwarded to the moblile phone, make sure appears first on the forward path list for the reception phone.

When the phone is not in DND, DDI calls will ring to the hunt group as usual. When the phone is placed into DND, DDI calls will route to the mobile phone. Flag those forward paths as day mode only, so your night mode will continue to work as usual.

Offline temple

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Re: Forwarding hunt group calls to mobile
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2015, 06:32:20 AM »
Hi, just wanted to come back and say that this approach is working! I finally implemented it yesterday. Many thanks for taking the time to come up with a valid solution, not even our provider thought of this approach.


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