Yikes. Embedded always throws me for a loop, so much easier in Nupoint...
I have two issues in two offices.
I have created the main greeting and included announcements to push 1 here... 2 there... It is my understanding that at this point, all you need is a Menu Node and program the extensions to their corresponding digits. How do you ensure that the options youve given in the main greeting correspond to the menu node, where is the connection?
One thing Ive noticed about that particular greeting is that incoming calls are directed to the recptionist. If no answer, the calls then go to the main greeting. How is this done? A main greeting really is not an answer point (in my mind!) I dont see how that could be programmed? There is no real extension for a main, where to route?
The reason I am asking about that piece is that I have another office that would like a human to pick up, if unavailable, then go to the main greeting. Exactly what I am seeing at the other office. Would love how to understand how it is happening so I can implement it in office 2.
As always, thanks!