Author Topic: 8528 Extensions and Forwarding: Unintended Forwards to 2 Phones  (Read 1551 times)

Offline noskcire

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8528 Extensions and Forwarding: Unintended Forwards to 2 Phones
« on: September 28, 2015, 02:56:23 PM »
We use an 8528 system at the office. Recently an employee added his IP phone to the system.

Whenever forwarding to a specific sales person, it rings(and lights up/forwards) to the person intended, and this other employee's new IP phone.

These forwards are generally via the programmable buttons, but have the same result when transferring the extension # input manually.

They both have unique extension numbers on the top left of their phone displays.

The reverse is not true---When forwarding to the IP phone, it does not ring the other employee.


Any ideas on how to fix this?
Is there some way that the extension #'s are linked together??? ​

Offline dwayneg

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Re: 8528 Extensions and Forwarding: Unintended Forwards to 2 Phones
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2015, 05:43:47 PM »
I suppose you've checked to be sure Dynamic Extension isn't enabled on the ext you're forwarding to? Easy test: dial 362 (DX off) on the ext you're going to call, see if IP phone stops ringing.  Dial 363 if you want to turn DX back on.  If this solved the problem inspect USERS for affected ext, see if that IP ext is in the ASSOCIATED DESTINATIONS list.


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