hi TE
I'm surprised I didn't know that as well. After maintaining our office for 2 years, and having installed more systems than I have fingers and toes, I've never realised I could Copy and Paste to multiple lines. Maybe that's something you get on the official Mitel courses. (should I mention here that my qualification is purely by experience?!)
Some of the technical stuff, I have absolutely no problems with. The standard, basic (and very essential) bits - I seem to come unstuck with.
My favorite (and most embarassing) one so far, was setting up a nice new system, everything working except the small function of incoming calls - STAR was set, Call Routing was set - EVERYTHING was set - except the ring-in destination on the trunks. Stupid boy!!
Everyone here, with their collective knowledge, is just such a great resource for those, like myself, who are constantly learning.
Thanks again for your help