Author Topic: Looking for references for Mitel 3300  (Read 4927 times)


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Looking for references for Mitel 3300
« on: May 19, 2008, 09:32:52 AM »
Good morning,

My company made the unfortunate mistake of going to a hosted phone system with a New England vendor who shall remain nameless, and, apparently, also without the ability to provide QoS.  That having been a tragic mistake, we're tearing their service out and buying a phone system to replace it. FWIW, my personal preference would be a Trixbox or other Asterisk-based system, but my CFO has said that we're done with "state of the art" and he wants a name brand on the wall of our network closet.

So we're looking at Nortel and the Mitel 3300.

Our current vendor is using a system that is owned by Mitel (I forget the name of the system; it was designed to be hosted) with a lot of the same features as the Mitel system.  We like the features, so I'm leaning heavily towards the Mitel 3300 as our new phone system, but my CFO is concerned that this is close to "state of the art" and wants me to get a bunch of references as to the quality and reliability of the system and features, and a sense of overall owner satisfaction.

I'm going to spend the next day or so beating the bushes, but I was hoping to get some feedback here as well.


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Re: Looking for references for Mitel 3300
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2008, 11:42:25 AM »
Ok, I'm biased, but I like your CFO.   I work for a major dealer in SE Michigan.   I may be able to pass along a few.  PM me with your email address and perhaps I can send off a few.  This isn't something I do as a normal part of my job but I should be able to get something from sales.   I should be able to send  several for Nortel as well since we're also a major dealer in the Nortel space as well.

I think you'll be happier with either a 3300 or a Nortel BCM.   Both are excellent products.   We have a few hundered of each installed.


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Re: Looking for references for Mitel 3300
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 02:53:20 PM »
I work for a hospital in Central Texas and we have three 3300's.  One is at our main campus and two at remote clinics.  They all talk together just fine. 
If going with the 3300, be sure you don't go cheap on your switches.  We started wtih HP swithces and Sprint Power injectors.  This only adds another layer of patch cables and limits the ports one can connect an IP phone to.  I our new hospital I am installing all HP 2650 POE switches.  All terminations throught the new facility are 568B standard so I can connect IP, Digital, or Analog phones with little problem.

The management of phones is pretty straight forward, I have had next to no training and am able to take care of our system pretty well.

My CFO Likes new techy things.

good Luck


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Re: Looking for references for Mitel 3300
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 09:20:18 AM »
I work for a logistics firm and we currently have 13 different 3300s.  These are all clustered and work together without any major problems.  This system handled about 1.5 million calls (internal, incoming, and outgoing) just last month. 

Let me know if you need anything else.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 09:31:23 AM by gomaze »


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