Author Topic: caller id and star issue  (Read 2563 times)

Offline markdevoll

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caller id and star issue
« on: April 22, 2015, 05:19:36 PM »
i have a customer with a pri and they want to do a star so that at 9 pm the calls for the main number will go to vmail and not ring the phones. so i had the call routing table point to the star 2506 and programed the default applications point to a cra 2507 that points to the hunt group. it works except caller id, when the call routing table points to the hunt group caller id works. when it points to the start and goes to the cra the caller id says the ext of the cra that sends it to the hunt group. any ideas or is there a beter way to do this?

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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2015, 07:44:52 PM »

Since it is no longer a direct ring, but a transfer, then the system is behaving as expected. Are you saying that they never receive the Caller ID or that they want to see the Caller ID and not the Transfer point?

If they are looking for the number they can use the station feature code Display Outside Party Name [default 379] once the call is answered to get the number instead of the name of calls that provide Caller ID.



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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2015, 08:24:10 PM »
they want the caller id to show before answering.

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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2015, 03:57:48 PM »

Let's see if we can find a solution that will work for them then; not likely but you never know.

1. We know a hunt group will display the information of how the call came into it.
-- Direct Rings will show Caller ID
-- Transfers will show Call Transferred From {Username}
-- Forwards will show Call Forwarded From {Username}

2. We know that a STAR cannot directly contact anything other than another Voice Processing Application which means there will be a transfer involved in the call flow.

So, what we want is a way to divert the call at a specified time without changing the original call flow in order to maintain the Caller ID information.

Off the top of my head the only possible solution without a third-party OAI application is to use the Day/Night Mode which can change call flow routing paths, but that requires a manual intervention; ie not automated.

Another solution would be to create a phantom extension and put it in the Hunt Group. Then at 9 or whenever they leave the members of that Hunt Group logout or remove themselves from it. At that point it will continue to ring the phantom for a bit but once the Recall Timer kicks in then it would go to Voice Mail. This also has the possibility that calls prior to 9 pm could go to Voice Mail if the members do not answer prior to the Recall Timer kicking in.



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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2015, 07:36:28 PM »
This ability to control events should be either natively included or offered on an adjunct server IMHO. Kind of a pet peeve that Mitel hasn't designed something that you could schedule to do what you wished dialed at whatever time.

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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2015, 07:39:15 PM »
I also think there is some tapi dialer software that could run on an external box that could have an administrator phone dial the code for night switching and hang up.

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Re: caller id and star issue
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2015, 09:18:54 PM »

Over the years Inter-Tel had created products that would allow you to do what he wants, but those were dropped or modified and incorporated into other systems; ie Intelligent Router. They still provide the developers package so if someone was inclined they could create something that does what they want it to, within the confines of the OAI stream; which is pretty powerful.

That being said I do believe that if they wanted to "fix" some of the issues that technicians have with the 5000 that they could, but I don't believe that they really want to put a lot of money into the development of this product or its future. Although they currently generate a good amount of revenue on this product it doesn't seem like it fits in the path that they want to take the company in; of course that is just my opinion.




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