Author Topic: Incoming Anonymous Calls show with recipients number  (Read 2605 times)

Offline akuhn

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Incoming Anonymous Calls show with recipients number
« on: October 27, 2014, 03:45:16 PM »
I've already spoken to Mitel about this, but it seems to be showing up much more in our new location than our old location (new carrier).

If you call me and your caller ID is blocked or anonymous, the caller ID will have MY NUMBER.  In other words, it looks like I am calling myself.  Since I use UCA, my own name comes up on my screen.  Now I know that it's an anonymous number and most likely a telemarketer.

Mitel says this is how it's always been and cannot be changed.

Has anyone experienced this or found a way to alter it in any way?



Offline dwayneg

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Re: Incoming Anonymous Calls show with recipients number
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 04:16:54 PM »
There's a hierarchy of what will show on your phone depending what's available:
Caller ID Name
Caller ID Number
Trunk Name
I think the third is what you're seeing: your system name for the trunk group or DID number.  If you change that name, it will change what you see.  This feature is useful if you need to know how the call got into the building (main number, sales number, Bob's number).

If this is a big deal you can PROBABLY change it like this: change the description of the trunk group or DID to BLOCKED.  The only time it will show on your display is if you actually get no caller ID.
If that's not good enough I have some other tricks but I'd need to know what kind of lines you have (T1, PRI, SIP).

Offline dwayneg

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Re: Incoming Anonymous Calls show with recipients number
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2014, 04:41:44 PM »
By the way, did you know you can actually screen the blocked calls and send them somewhere special...mine go to a recording that says "I'm sorry, I don't accept calls with blocked caller ID".

If you're using DIDs, either SIP or PRI, here's a cool trick: Create a new Call Routing Table and set it to use CALL ROUTING KEY: OUTSIDE PART NUMBER (CRT list page) and for description call it BLOCKED.  Within that table set the first pattern to +, don't enter description, set destination type Call Routing Table and set Ring-In Destination to the number of your regular CRT.  Set the next pattern to E (empty), name it BLOCKED, and set other parameters same as one above.  Change the ring in destination of your trunk or SIP group to this new CRT.  Now call comes in and hits this group first...if it sees a number it falls into the + bucket and goes to main CRT.  If no number it names it BLOCKED and sends to main table.  You can add other caller IDs in this table such as known telemarketers, as long as they're above the + and E, and send to announcement or busy ext.


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