Author Topic: Swapping out a PEC-1 [508.1001]  (Read 1793 times)

Offline paves

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Swapping out a PEC-1 [508.1001]
« on: September 25, 2014, 11:28:21 PM »
Our normal tech is in Vegas as I said.  I'm the cable guy/data tech.  I put a few of the dx's in and done just a very little bit of programming  so please answer me like I'm 5.

Here is my issue:
We had a phone system go down (inter tel 508.1000).  The controller was fine, but expansion module (inter tel 508.1001) was dead. 

Here's the questions:

Will a new Mitel 508.1001 work ?
If I hook it up just like the inter tel and start it up will it work?
After It's up and running WILL I NEED TO PROGRAM IT?
What software do I need to program it?

sub question: how badly can I F this up?  ;D

« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 09:53:36 AM by Tech Electronics »

Offline paves

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Re: OUR TECH IS IN VEGAS...I need some info fast
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 01:12:04 AM »
Got an answer from our awesome tech.  And the answer is:
Yes, you can change out the inter tel 508.1001 expansion with a Mitel 508.1001 expansion.  No programming if the same modules are installed in the same bays.


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Re: OUR TECH IS IN VEGAS...I need some info fast
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 07:57:57 AM »

The only piece of hardware you would have to worry about swapping out is the Compact Flash, which is basically the hard drive of the system. In some CS 5000 Controllers there is also a green USB Dongle that is used for licensing that if removed causes the system to reset after 240 minutes. Other than that a swap out of like equipment is usually never an issue.




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