Author Topic: Integration of Mitel system with D-Link IP PBX  (Read 1469 times)

Offline Marwan Nugdalla

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Integration of Mitel system with D-Link IP PBX
« on: September 23, 2014, 06:28:56 AM »
Dear All,

We have one of our clients bought new IP PBX and they want to integrate the new system with our Mitel MXE controller using E1 Trunk.

The new IP PBX is D-LINK DVX 9000, it’s an Intel-G850 based Asterisk IP PBX.

They got two DVX 9000, one of them will work as resilient and to enable the connection between the two D-Link PBX’S they need to add media gateway (DVX–8050 XStack Gateway), the connection between the two PBX and the media gateway is by USB 2.0 cable.

I have attached the data sheets for the IP PBX, media gateway and the VX-8030 PRI Module (E1 Card).

Is it possible to integrate the D-Link system with the MXE controller? If yes, what are the parameters need to be configured at Mitel and the D-LINK IPPBX E1 port.

Thanks in advance for kind support.

Marwan Nugdalla
« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 06:50:53 AM by Marwan Nugdalla »


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