Author Topic: 5304ip set unable says error when dialling externally  (Read 1168 times)

Offline Felix

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5304ip set unable says error when dialling externally
« on: August 29, 2014, 06:41:15 AM »
Hi peeps,

I am having an issue with two handsets. Both strangely next to each other in the numbering plan.

When these users try to dial externally both say error.

Both can receive calls and dial internally.

Barring is fine as well as COS.

Both are linked to UCA but are unable to dial numbers from this either.

I have deleted and recreated one of the users but now the set is locked. I try the unlock access code and PIN in the user parameters but is still locked. I have tried changing the PIN in the user and auth tab but still no luck.

Set is a multi device type and is licensed, one day both were unable to make external calls via the phone and UCA.

Thanks all  :)


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