My guess would be that the person getting this is always the same person and that person is either x1000 on an IP-Based System or PLID 1.1.1 on a Digital-Based System or they are the Primary or Local Attendant for the entire system.
When a conference call is unsupervised for a period of time the system will send the call to the System Attendant, designated by any of the 3 scenarios above, and it will flash their Conference Button if they have it, but the display will show what you Conference Recalling and not CNF Conference Call, but they may have changed that.
There are two places this Unsupervised Timer shows up depending on how the Conference was created.
1. System > Timers > Unsupervised CO
Because loop start trunks frequently do not provide supervision, unsupervised trunk-to-trunk calls (such as unsupervised conferences and forward to an outside number), are limited by the Unsupervised CO timer. When this timer expires, the call recalls the primary attendant who can determine whether the trunks are still in use or if the call should be disconnected. If the trunk connections are ground start or DID trunks, this timer is not needed as they supply reliable disconnection signals.
2. System > Meet-Me Conferencing > Unsupervised Conference : Although this has changed to allow the users to press a number and if they don't it hangs up on them.