Author Topic: Polycom 8440 not showing Ring group name  (Read 1453 times)

Offline dutch_tuga

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Polycom 8440 not showing Ring group name
« on: May 19, 2014, 11:32:42 AM »
We have a couple of 8440 SIP phones running on a MCD 4.2. We are facing a issue. We have added these phones to a ring group along with other phones. In order to answer the right way, it is important that people can see the name or the number of the ring group. We have tried pretty much everything on the MCD side, even with a hunt groep name tag. But whatever we try, you always see the details of the phone that is dialing the ring group.

This is important, because this costumer has one analog door interface with two doors connected to it. The issue is that every time someone rings at the door, the only thing you see on these phones  is the number of the door interface. This way this costumer never knows on which of the doors the person is standing. These phones are replacing some old spektralink 340 and with these and a general Minet phone it works fine.

Offline wiseguy

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Re: Polycom 8440 not showing Ring group name
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 07:13:25 AM »
For SIP phones this was changed in release 6.0 onwards. From this version the SIP phones show the same info as the Single line Minet phones.


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