I must be having a brain freeze but I'm sure I'm missing something.
We have a customer that uses a PRI. The end user forwards off prem via a system speed dial that over rides toll control. That works. But when you call the forwarded extension directly or transfer to it, the call is interconnect restricted.
I've narrowed it down to the carrier rejecting the call.
The issue is that when an outside caller is forwarded to an outside line, the originating caller ID shows to the carrier as the outbound caller ID. Since the carrier doesn't know anything about that caller ID it rejects the call.
I've put a hack together to make things work (using emergency services) but it's designed to be temporary. What I need to do is turn off the forwarding of the external caller ID. For some reason I'm at a loss on how to do that. I thought it would have been in COS but everything I thougt it was is already set to no.
Any ideas?