I thought I could go into the scheduler and setup the PBX to reboot on a weekly basis. However, under select activity I couldn't find anything that would allow me to do this. Does anyone know how to setup a PBX to reboot on a schedule or if it's even possible? While I am on the subject what is best practice daily, weekly or monthly? What's happening every so often is I will come in and one of our main sites that have our Call Center the main line will be busy until I reboot the PBX. When I look through the log it references memory being full. Reading Mitel logs is just a headache as there very vague. If anyone, has some KB articles about logs I would appreciate it as well. To give you an example of one of the logs see below.
Log Type Software
Log Number 4610
Severity Warning
Date 2013/Sep/12
Time 10:16:53
Source Call Control - Software
Description OS (Message) warning: Receiver process not found. Redun code: $02 $02 $02 TX/RX msid: $00 $01 $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 $00 $00 $00 TX/RX pid: ($0003,$00DA) cpprog ($0004,$05A5) ---------- appl/func: $01 $2C active pid: ($0003,$00DA) cpprog
Module Main
File Name and Line Number log_outputs_util_en.c;1218