Author Topic: Small 5000 Network issue.  (Read 3994 times)

Offline theohiopatriot

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Small 5000 Network issue.
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:01:20 AM »
I am installing a small 5000 network (3 nodes) which I have done hundreds of times before.  The is on Version 6.0 software.  Two nodes, A&B are on private 10.x.x.x networks and the third node, C is on a public network.  The two nodes on the private networks are working fine.  The third node, C, we have a peculiar issue with.  Each system is programmed with a private address and each has a public address with a 1-1 NAT to the private address.  The two nodes on the private network, A&B, are communicating with the private addresses with each other.  Both A&B I have programmed to go to a public address for node C.  Node C I have programmed to go to the public address for both A&B.  I can export/import from all nodes to all nodes.  From A to B and B to A all is working fine.  From A&B to C I have call control, you can dial the phone rings but no audio in either direction.  From C to A&B is the same result.

Checking the firewalls all rules are programmed and all the proper ports are in the list.  Here is where the peculiar issue comes in.  Doing a packet capture on both sides results in the following:

From Node A the 5000 is attempting to send packets to the private address of node C which is a non routable class C address.  Node A is programmed for the public address of node C and should not know the private address.  To clarify Node A is attempting to send packets to 192.168.254.x when it is in fact programmed to for 74.50.3.x.

From Node C we have the exact same result.  Node C is attempting to send packets to 10.7.x.x when it is programmed to go to 12.x.x.x.  Has anybody ever seen this before.  I am confident of the programming and have verified the firewalls.

Offline NTEDave

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Re: Small 5000 Network issue.
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2013, 03:42:55 AM »
The only thing I can think of is the System NAT IP address of Node C is either set to the internal address of the system or left on

But it's strange that you would get import and export to work and call control but no voice, that sort of situation is almost always caused by a networking issue.

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Small 5000 Network issue.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2013, 05:16:43 PM »
Remember that NAT address has to be set in TWO places... System->IP Settings and System->Devices&Feature Codes->IP Connections->P6xxx. The later is used for networking and IP phones, the one in System->IP Settings is for SIP and general network access.


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