I have a customer that purchased a 3300 from another vendor and asked me to replace it with a 5000. They have offices in three different cities working from their PBX. Because I know nothing about the 3300, I guessed that I could swap it out with the 5000 and as long as I had the mac addresses for all their phones I could get the remote phones to come up. I was right! Everything came up fine and worked flawlessly until I had to add another off-site phone. During the process of figuring out what the "TW install PW" prompt I was getting on the phone display, I discovered that there was a Teleworker Gateway Server on the network that their WAN IP was directed to. Obviously, I need to remove this hardware from the environment, but have no idea what differences in ports the TW Gateway uses vs. the 5000.
Can anyone help me with a road-map for this process? The customer is using a mix of 5340, 5330, and 5312 phones.