Author Topic: Phonebook vs Speedcall  (Read 1833 times)

Offline Splosh

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Phonebook vs Speedcall
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:04:34 PM »
Hi guys... I am looking at the best way to add about 2000 company names into our MCD 3300 system, but need to find them in the address book and or dial them with a short code. When one of the external companies calls we would like the name if the company.

Therefore is it possible to add a name to a system speedcall?
Or add a speedcall number to the phonebook?

Thanks for you help, I am learning fast!

Offline Dutch

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Re: Phonebook vs Speedcall
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2013, 04:15:29 AM »
This will require extra administrative work but you want to:

1. add the short code in the speedcall form where the actual number is the full number incl. leading digit(s).
2. Subsequently you want to add the name in the Telephone Directory for the speeddial as visible (dont tick private)

In order to see the name when they dial inward you need to:

1. activate alpha tagging in the system options form
2. enter their full numbers in the telephone directory using a ~ to uniquely identify them ( e.g. 212~1231234 or 9~2121231234 dunno for US) and make sure you make them private, since every company will have 2 entries: 1 for looking up and dialing the short code and 1 entry in order to see their name when they call inward.

Just remember you want to keep these entries as static and general as possible since administration requires you to maintain both entries.

Alternatively in order to lessen the administrative job maintaining the entries, you can also chose to abandon the short code/speedcall and just use the alpha tag entry and make it not private. People can then still look it up and dial but it will function  to give the name as well when they dial inward. Pro is you have less work when something changes in that 2000 company list and you have less chance to forget part of the process if other people beside you maintain the system.

In order to find out how alpha tagging works I would recommend the help file and search for the subject since the help file in the Mitel itself is an awesome tool by itself in my opinion.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 04:24:59 AM by Dutch »


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