Author Topic: Rookie needs help setting up a new extension  (Read 2510 times)

Offline chadharrelson

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Rookie needs help setting up a new extension
« on: May 02, 2013, 02:32:52 PM »
Firstly, I got thrown into administrating a phone system, so my experience is limited to what I've fumbled through for the last 6 months. 

I've managed to figure out how to do most everything we need up to this point.  But we have a new team member starting that isn't going to be in our office.  So I need for her to have an extension that can be accessed from the attendant, dial by name, etc.  But I just need that extension to go to an external phone number.  Is this a phantom? 

I'm hoping one of you wonderful folks can point me in the right direction.  I gave the search function on the forums a shot, but w/o knowing the correct terminology for what I'm trying to do, I wasn't having much luck. 

Thanks in advance!

Offline bhackbarth

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Re: Rookie needs help setting up a new extension
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 11:36:47 PM »
Well you're on the right track. Create a phantom extension (check the box that says Create User(s) ). Create a local Associated Mailbox for the phantom, choosing your phantom in the list.  Open the Phantom -> Associated extensions and set the Voice Mail to point to the Voicemail Application. Open Forwarding Paths and add the forwarding path to get to the voicemail.  This is the programming that controls what happens when Dynamic Extension Express is not enabled.

Then browse down the users to find the one it created for the phantom. Enable Dynamic Extension Express, Set Enable Voice Detection to Yes,  open the Associated Destinations folder and set the external number destination in the step that says Mobile. Also change the Voicemail destination to the Voicemail Application. Then open the Dynamic Extension Express folder and have a look at the routing steps.  Set the timer to a reasonable value like 35 seconds to allow for 4 rings plus dialing a choice on the external number before moving on to Voice Processing.

When you create a Phantom, under Associated Destinations, Attendant and Message Center may default to the attendant programmed on that node. You can change these to None if you would like.

Offline chadharrelson

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Re: Rookie needs help setting up a new extension
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 04:55:35 PM »
Thanks so much!  It works perfectly. 

 :D :D :D :D :D :D


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