Author Topic: Disable CALLER ID?  (Read 4258 times)

Offline supermike

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Disable CALLER ID?
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:41:57 AM »
We are a confidential serivce, our agents are not even allowed to hear the names of the clients that are calling in, nothing. They shouldn't even know if they are male/female, but the voice is a give away I guess.

How do I completely disable caller ID? I see tons of options in the PBX to propogate caller ID or not. Caller ID/Name is still sent all the way through.

Here is an examply of the call flow

DID# -> Routing Announcement 1730(Press 1 for english, 2 french) - > Press 1 -> Routing Announcencement 1731 -> Greeting and Timeout to Huntgroup 1715

In every hop I have set propogate caller ID to no. I don't really understand how it could be any more difficult than this.

Can we disable caller ID? Playing with some flags we were able to get it to say the DESCRIPTION of the DID across the TOP. But for Call Key 1, it is replaced by their phone number and you can't remove default keys. Lovin this pbx!

If we could have it say something else..Even a generic number (0000000000) instead of a real phone number would help. We just can't have caller ID and seems this Mitel 5000 will not listen. Maybe I need to go and give it a back rub?
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 11:44:09 AM by supermike »

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 12:24:12 PM »
I don't believe this is possible if the Caller ID is making it into the system from the telco, and with a PRI (assumption since you said it was a DID number) you really can't have them turn it off, it is part of the ISDN signalling format.

So you have two options as I see it:

1) Loop a few single line ports back to LS trunk ports, put the stations and trunks in the appropriate groups, point the DID to the Hunt Group, then ring the trunk group to the original DID's destination. You can turn off Caller ID on the LS trunks easily and they will see the Trunk Group name instead.

2) Get a new block of analog CO trunks, connect to the system, and either move the DID to a copper line or call forward it via a phantom to the new CO trunks hunt pilot number.

Offline supermike

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Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 01:19:44 PM »
I don't believe this is possible if the Caller ID is making it into the system from the telco, and with a PRI (assumption since you said it was a DID number) you really can't have them turn it off, it is part of the ISDN signalling format.

So you have two options as I see it:

1) Loop a few single line ports back to LS trunk ports, put the stations and trunks in the appropriate groups, point the DID to the Hunt Group, then ring the trunk group to the original DID's destination. You can turn off Caller ID on the LS trunks easily and they will see the Trunk Group name instead.

2) Get a new block of analog CO trunks, connect to the system, and either move the DID to a copper line or call forward it via a phantom to the new CO trunks hunt pilot number.

I really like option number 1. Would also solve another problem we are having.

I am going to check this out. Thanks Ace

Offline supermike

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Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 01:27:46 PM »
I don't believe this is possible if the Caller ID is making it into the system from the telco, and with a PRI (assumption since you said it was a DID number) you really can't have them turn it off, it is part of the ISDN signalling format.

So you have two options as I see it:

1) Loop a few single line ports back to LS trunk ports, put the stations and trunks in the appropriate groups, point the DID to the Hunt Group, then ring the trunk group to the original DID's destination. You can turn off Caller ID on the LS trunks easily and they will see the Trunk Group name instead.

2) Get a new block of analog CO trunks, connect to the system, and either move the DID to a copper line or call forward it via a phantom to the new CO trunks hunt pilot number.

Actually, we just figured out about the 2nd part of option 2.

Pressing 2 forwards to a phantom, which forwards all calls to our 2nd DID labelled French as the description which is forwarded to the same Hunt Group as #1.

Yo u da man Ace!

Offline acejavelin

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Re: Disable CALLER ID?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 01:40:54 PM »
 8) Glad you got it working!!!

Just something to keep in the back of your mind, some times doing this can cause disconnect issues (trunks don't drop), especially if multiple tromboning occurs (in, out, in, out on trunks in the same system), so if the call gets transferred/forwarded in and out of the system multiple times (accidentaly or through call routing loops) you may get trunks tied up or all circuits busy. Not saying this will be the case, but might be a good idea to monitor the trunk status for a while...
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 01:51:10 PM by acejavelin »


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