I have a 3rd party certificate from GoDaddy.com. Now, we created this on a server on our network and the certificate we have allows us to have up to 14 alt names. This has worked great with my servers, OWA, cisco ASA/VPN, etc.
I am trying to add this to my MAS server as it has my UCA domain name and my AWC domain name as alt names.
So in MAS I go to web server certificate, I choose install web certificate and the next screen I choose "SSL Certificate" button and I point to the .crt file. Then I click on the "ssl private key" button and I point to the .pfx file that I got off of IIS from the server I created the certificate from. I choose Install web certificate.
I get the following error.
"The web server certificate provided does not match the private key on the system. Perhaps the wrong certificate was supplied" This error under "ssl certificate button"
"An invalid private key file was provided on teh certificate installation form" under the "ssl private key" button.
From what I gather on this is that it might still be looking at private keys that are on the MAS server and not importing the new one that I am giving it? During install they must have done a self signed certificate for the domain name of the uca server but doesn't have my awc domain name. I want the third party one in so people never see a warning when going to the site.
Sorry I was so long winded but wanted to give the most information I can in hopes that someone might have some advice or directions for me. Thanks for looking.